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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bush wants to screw you again before leaving office

yesterday that the Bush administration "is moving to adopt rules that would loosen pollution controls on power plants" allowing them to increase emissions without adding controls." One person familiar with the Environmental Protection Agency's internal deliberations said that "work on the rule has sped up noticeably in recent weeks." However, McClatchy reports that some EPA officials are arguing against the rule change because the rule would allow more power plants to be built near national parks and wilderness areas. The rule change, which was sought by power companies, will judge the plants "on their hourly rate of emissions rather than their total annual output" and will "make it easier for older power plants to extend their life span and upgrade without installing costly new equipment." As the Journal noted, "As long as a power plant's hourly emissions stay at or below the plant's historical maximum, the plant would be treated as if it were running more cleanly, even if its total annual emissions increased as plant operators stepped up operations." The proposed rules were originally part of Vice President Cheney's 2001 energy plan.

There are more than a few things that bush will be remembered for, and none of them are stellar.

  • 1. Taking the USA from budget surplus to massive budget deficiet.

  • 2. Destruction of the environment, and putting more animals at the brink of extinction than any previous human has done.

  • 3. Involving the USA in an illegal imoral war.

  • 4. Treading on, and Trashing the Constitution of the United States.

  • 5. Spying on the Citizens of the United States with out warrants.

  • 6. And the list goes on, and on, and the one most remembered.


  • http://itsourfranchise.com/webmy233.htm



    The Worlds view on the US Elections

    This is how the world views the USA'S up coming election outcome. Is it possible that being outside the loop, and not caught up in the political hackerey that the US citizens are, that the world has a clearer outlook on the candidates and their possible misadventures towards the rest of the World? This is how they would vote given the opportunity to help select, and hire the next President of the USA.

    THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD if Sarah Palin were elected, and the Presidents job fell to her.

    This is the most scary scene imagineable.



    Monday, October 27, 2008

    vote NO on 8

    While the matter of a persons sexual orientation has little interest or bearing on me, the rights of each human has...

    I believe that everone has the right to be happy, and to choose their life partner according to their own beliefs.

    No one has the right to tell me that my life partner must be either a male, or a female. I have however chosen a female partner.

    Because of my choice, I fall within the majority of the human population in that I have chosen someone of the opposit sex to be my partner.

    This gives me and my partner certain legal rights.

    Those rights would be restricted had I chosen someone of the same gender as my partner; as have many other humans.

    What gives me, or you for that matter the right to choose a gender partner for someone else?

    What gives me, or you the right to forbid legal rights to another huiman being?

    When I pass on, my partner will inherit every thing I own if I so choose in my will; and If I don't leave a will, she will have first choice after the state gets done taking their cut.

    That isn't the case for someone who has chosen a partner of the same gender.

    I can list my partner as a partner on my medical insurance; which those that have chosen same gender partners can not do, why?

    Let's carry this a step further.

    Why don't we restrict peoples choice in the pets which they can own?

    Let's say that men can only own dogs.

    Women can only own cats.

    Now, how many of you men really prefer cats to dogs? How many women prefer dogs?

    So if a man decides to go against this ruling and own a cat, he looses his rights to take that animal to a vetrinarian when the animal is in need because he is not allowed to own a cat; simply because others have decided this for him. So in order to get treatment for his pet cat, he must disavow an ownership relationship with this loved cat.

    And of course the same would apply to a women with her much loved dog...

    Pretty silly law isn't it?

    So would the passage of '8' be a silly law.

    A much higher authority than man gave us the 'right to free will', why should we try to take this right away from our fellow man?

    Even if somehow this proposition becomes law, it's not going to make any difference in the choices people make for life partners, so we may as well accept that this is going to happen, and allow them the legal rights a life partnership gives to those that chose opposite gender mates.




    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    McCain's economic policy chief

    Subject: $2

    Young Chuck moved to Montana and bought a horse from a
    farmer for $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse
    the next day.

    The next day, he drove up and said, 'Sorry, son, but I have some bad news. The horse died. '

    Chuck replied, 'Well, then, just give me my money back.'

    The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.'

    Chuck said, 'Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.'

    The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?'

    Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.'

    The farmer said, 'You can't raffle off a dead horse!'

    Chuck said, 'Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'

    A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked,

    'What happened with that dead horse?'

    Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a
    piece and made a net profit of $998.00.'

    The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?'

    Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his
    two dollars back.'

    Chuck grew up and now works for McPalin as their Cheif Economic Advisor selling dead horse economics to unwary gullible voters.

    You know who they are, they're the ones with yard signs saying vote McPalin for no change in economic policy!!




    Friday, October 24, 2008

    McCain plans to redistribute wealth

    Reported in todays issue of the 'PROGRESS REPORT'

    MCCAIN WOULD DOUBLE DOWN: McCain claims that "in this country, we believe in spreading opportunity." But his Bush-like economic policies would only further America 's income inequality.

    In fact, by extending Bush's tax cuts to the wealthy and proposing $175 billion in tax breaks to America's largest corporations, McCain's regressive economic agenda would redistribute wealth to the richest Americans during a period of stagnating wages and growing economic anxiety.

    The bottom 60 percent of taxpayers would see only 12 percent of the benefit from McCain's plan to extend Bush's tax cuts, while over 100 million middle class households would receive nothing from McCain's proposal.

    Moreover, even though corporate profits increased by an estimated 66 percent between 2000 and 2006, McCain's plan to slash the corporate tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent would give even more benefits to America's richest corporations.

    According to a Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis of McCain's plan, the 200 largest companies stand to gain $45 billion a year from McCain's proposal.

    Highly profitable industries like energy companies and merchandising and retailing companies would receive billions from additional tax breaks.


    If Palin's stand on the Environment, and wildlife wern't bad enough, McCain can't even seem to keep his lies in order. Their 'Roveing' tactics to push their agenda down our throats shows where the truth lies.

    We've seen their kind of Politics enough in the last 8 miserable years under the quasi dictator bush, and we don't need, nor can we survive 4 more years of the same! Vote for anyone, but don't vote for McPalin!



    Congressman Robert Wexler Needs our support

    We stand on the precipice of genuine and profound change in America. I have no doubt that this election will be the final verdict on the outrageous tenure of a Bush administration that has trashed our Constitution and trampled our liberties like no previous White House.

    You will notice I don't mince words when I discuss this appalling Administration. You have known me as one of the few voices in Congress to stand up to Bush and Cheney and call for their impeachment. Others – in the far right wing - have noticed as well and now I am only days away from my most difficult reelection effort ever.

    Please click here to help make sure I return to the House of Representatives.

    Please click here to watch this web video

    I am waging an aggressive media campaign against two millionaire opponents who have singled me out for my calls for impeachment and accountability. My largest local paper has also ridiculed my efforts at genuine accountability for Bush/Cheney. As you likely saw, I was also repeatedly singled out by right wing television in an effort to silence me and cause my defeat.

    As you know too well, I never give up without a fight. I will win re-election and it will be you I can thank – and your agenda I take back to Congress.

    I need your help today to both return me to Washington to continue a fight for accountability, and to send a message to the mainstream media, the far right wing, and those lackluster Democrats that we must push for accountability for Bush no matter what - whether he sits in 1600 Pennsylvania or as a private citizen in Crawford, Texas.

    Click here to keep me as your advocate for another two years in Congress.

    This election cycle has not been easy. My wealthy, self-funded opponents have come after me with everything they've got. In all candor, it has taken quite a toll.

    Through it all, whether through contributions or encouragement, you have defended me. From the Florida Keys to Alaska, to soldiers overseas, stay at home mothers and fathers, teachers and engineers, and students and nurses, your support has kept me in the game – keeping my campaign in a position to both fight back and address the issues you care about.

    So many of you have generously donated to my campaign. Some of you have sent me notes, telling me how you're on fixed incomes, or out of work, but were contributing what you could. I want you to know that don't take such sacrifices lightly.

    But know this: small donations are making a huge difference to our campaign.
    If you're in a position to contribute one last time, please click here.

    I am committed to our fight. With your help, and a bright, thoughtful new President named Barack Obama, I believe we will return a sense of hope and promise to America.

    Thank you so much for your past and present support. I look forward to writing you in a few days with an update.

    Your friend,



    Paid for by "Wexler for Congress"



    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Palin challenged on environment

    This isn't new news, but if you missed it you should read it now!

    Palin challenged on environment
    DRILLING: Polar bear lawsuit and ANWR waved like red flags.

    McClatchy Newspapers

    Published: August 30th, 2008 02:06 AM
    Last Modified: August 30th, 2008 03:33 AM

    WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain's choice of a running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, favors drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, questioned the science behind predictions of sea ice loss linked to global warming and opposed a state initiative that would have banned metal mines from discharging pollution into salmon streams.

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    The Alaska governor has said that she has tried to persuade McCain to agree with her on drilling in the wildlife refuge. She also has said that she was happy that he changed his position over the summer and now supports offshore oil drilling.

    In oil-rich Alaska, many residents support Arctic Refuge drilling.

    Palin's environmental views could get more of an airing now that she has landed on the national stage. A look at some recent developments and her record so far in Alaska provide some insights into her thinking about climate change and other issues.

    Earlier this month, the state of Alaska under Palin's guidance sued Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne in an attempt to reverse his decision to list polar bears as a threatened species. Palin said that scientists' predictions that global warming will eliminate the ice where the bears live in summer were unreliable.

    Arctic sea ice shrank to a record low by the end of last summer, and satellites now show that the ice has been reduced to a level very close to last year's with some days remaining before a new winter season begins.


    The Anchorage Daily News reported in May that the head of the marine mammals program for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and two other marine mammal biologists on his staff agreed with nine studies the federal government cited to justify listing polar bears as a threatened species.

    Their e-mail appeared to contradict Palin's assertions that state wildlife officials had found no reason to list the bears as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Palin wrote in January that she based her opposition to listing the bears on "a comprehensive review by state wildlife officials of scientific information from a broad range of climate, ice and polar bear experts."

    Palin created a commission to plan for how the state will try to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and plan to adapt to warming, but she hasn't set any emission reduction goals for Alaska.

    "It's like asking somebody to construct a stadium without giving them a blueprint," said Kate Troll, the director of Alaska Conservation Voters.

    Recently, Palin publicly said she would vote no on a state initiative that said no large metal mines would be permitted to pollute streams where salmon spawn. The initiative was aimed at the Pebble mine near Bristol Bay, a major fishery. Voters defeated it on Tuesday.

    Palin hasn't made a definitive statement about the mine, but the initiative was targeted at it.

    Troll said Palin has been a supporter of state funding for renewable energy initiatives, but has a "failing record" on wildlife.

    She also said the governor supports hunting wolves and bears from the air to reduce predation on moose and differs with environmentalists on a number of wildlife issues.

    The League of Conservation Voters, an advocacy group that backs pro-environment candidates, said it was disappointed with McCain's choice.

    "Unfortunately, with her support for drilling in the Arctic Refuge and off our coasts, Governor Palin will simply continue the failed policies of the Bush-Cheney administration and their Big Oil friends -- policies that could make us even more dependent on foreign oil,"

    League of Conservation Voters president Gene Karpinski said in a statement.


    Monday, October 20, 2008

    There is no statute of limitations on Impeachment

    I just sent a personal message to all my representatives in Congress, I hope you will join me!


    I signed "Impeach Bush for the Iraq War"

    I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:

    1) The Offense of Lying and Inducing America to Support a War
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney intentionally misled the Congress and the American people regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war against Iraq, and intentionally conspired with others to defraud the United States in connection with the war against Iraq in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371.

    2) The Offense of Reckless Indifference to the Lives and Welfare of American Troops
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney failed to provide US soldiers with bulletproof vests or appropriately-armored vehicles and had no serious plan for the aftermath of the war, thus demonstrating a complete disregard for the welfare of the troops and the need for proper governance of a country after occupation. The result has been a never-ending war that will cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 trillion with over 3,000 U.S. soldiers killed and over 21,000 wounded.

    3) The Offense of Torture in Violation of U.S. Laws and Treaties
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney conspired to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the "Federal Torture Act," Title 18 United States Code, Section 113C, the UN Torture Convention and the Geneva Convention.

    4) The Offense of Wiretapping Surveillance in Defiance of the Law
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of American civilians without seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, in violation of Title 50 United States Code, Section 1805.

    These provisions are detailed in "The Impeachment of George W. Bush: A Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens," by former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman.


    Help Cindy Sheehan Defeat Pelosi for Congress

    Help Cindy Sheehan Run This Ad In The San Francisco Chronicle To
    Defeat Pelosi

    Maybe not a tree exactly, but to see a picture of Pelosi kissing up
    to Bush, as she prepares to cave in yet again, should help to get the
    people of San Francisco motivated to vote for her mandatory
    replacement, Cindy Sheehan. And that is the precise picture you can
    help run as a full 1/4 page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle this
    weekend. You can see the ad on this page:

    Chronicle Ad Action Page:

    If the Democrats win other additional seats, it won't be because of
    any actual leadership on their side. It is only because the economy
    is collapsing around the ears of the White House that we even see
    Democrats starting to pull ahead in the general election. And if
    other Democrats do win, the last person who deserves credit for any
    of this is Nancy Pelosi, whose gutless cowardice and complicity have
    foisted one hideous outrage after another on the American people, the
    last an ill-conceived and profligate bailout, opposed more than 100
    to 1 by actual Congressional message counts.

    Please consider these facts. The same Wall Street investment bankers
    who got our economy into this disaster are STILL going to walk away
    with 70 billion in bonuses this year, a full ten percent of the
    bailout from us, the taxpayers. Secretary of the Treasury Paulson is
    not demanding they cough it all back up, as a condition of government
    help. And why should he? He's one of THEM!!

    Moreover, as noted by now Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman,
    it was the Brits who demonstrated real leader and policy wisdom,
    after two weeks squandered on the original doomed bailout plan on
    this side of the pond, by stepping into the breach and taking control
    of their own banks, akin to the Swedish model that worked so well in
    a similar prior crisis in that country. But for Paulson's part, he is
    not imposing any requirements on the banks as to how they will use
    these hundreds of billions of dollars, or even that they will make
    more loans available or even getting a fair market deal for the
    people's money.

    And it is all Pelosi's fault. It was the height of fawning credulity
    to give the White House nearly a trillion dollars to blow without a
    real thought out and sound plan, and without strings the size of
    marine ropes to maintain oversight and control. What a dismal failure
    of leadership!

    And that is why Pelosi must be removed from office and defeated by
    Cindy Sheehan. If you can make a donation to help run this ad, please
    consider doing so.

    Chronicle Ad Action Page:

    If not, Cindy would love to have your help phone banking from any
    part of the country, and there is a link on this same page above to
    volunteer for that. And always remember, the most important
    contribution is to keep speaking out, and to encourage everyone else
    you know to do the same.

    This is our only real chance for the next two years. Nothing would
    send a stronger message that the voice of the people actually COUNTS
    for something that a resounding victory for Cindy Sheehan in the
    Congressional race for the 8th district of California against Nancy
    Pelosi in just 2 weeks. NOTHING would send a stronger message to the
    gutless wimps in Congress that their reign of cowardice is over.

    Paid for by Cindy Sheehan for Congress

    Donations to Cindy Sheehan for Congress are not tax-deductible

    Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
    to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

    If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

    Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2008, Patent pending,
    All rights reserved


    Friday, October 17, 2008

    McCain lies are again over the top

    October 17, 2008

    I'm not going to sit idly by while good people are thrown under the bus ... especially if that bus is John McCain's "Straight Talk Express." And I am not -- I repeat, NOT -- going to let the Right steal another election by demonizing community organizers while doing all they can to disenfranchise voters.

    That's why People For the American Way is not taking the attacks on ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) lying down, and we're not going to let the Right's latest distraction work. We're taking out a full page ad in the New York Times to tell the truth about ACORN, the myth of "widespread voter fraud" and the actual voter suppression being perpetrated by the Right. Check out the ad and find out what you can do to help with these efforts at www.PFAW.org/ACORN.

    ACORN has tirelessly worked to uplift the less fortunate and advocated for improved housing, a fair and living wage, and yes, continues to fight to give a voice to the underserved by promoting civic engagement and voter empowerment. John McCain used to know that but he seems to have forgotten.

    During Wednesday's presidential debate, McCain was again over the top, saying ACORN "may be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy." No, Senator McCain, the fraud is GOP attempts to challenge the registrations of eligible voters who are on the verge of losing their homes to foreclosure ... the fraud is right-wing efforts to purge thousands of eligible voters from the voter rolls ... the fraud is the long history of your party's attempts to resurrect Jim Crow.

    Let's set the record straight. ACORN plays by the rules, but they register voters the Right would rather exclude, so they are a perfect target in the ongoing effort to stoke paranoia over so-called "widespread voter fraud" (a proven myth). Out of the 13,000 field workers ACORN hired in its drive to register 1.3 million voters, a small fraction submitted inappropriate registration cards. In most cases, ACORN was required by law to submit these incorrect forms, along with the valid forms, to election officials, and in most cases, the incorrect forms had been flagged for officials by ACORN as problematic. But bad registration forms don't add up to "voter fraud."

    The Bush administration has spent a good deal of time on fishing expeditions to find problems with groups like ACORN that register voters. In fact, they fired US Attorneys for refusing to participate in this partisan witch hunt.

    Using "voter fraud" to distract from real voter suppression is nothing new. But it's still extremely troubling that the McCain-Palin campaign has decided to put party before country and not denounce the GOP's attempts to squash voter participation. I don't think the American people are buying any of this. But even if scapegoating ACORN doesn't work, the Right will have won if they are successful in getting people to look the other way on the real voter suppression in which they are aggressively engaged.

    It's up to us to make sure the distraction doesn't work.

    All the best,

    Kathryn Kolbert, President

    People For the American Way depends on the support of its members. Help make sure America lives up to the promise of freedom and equality for all by funding the work of People For with a gift today.

    People For the American Way 2008
    2000 M Street, NW Suite 400
    Washington, DC 20036



    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    petition to the presidential candidates

    Join thousands of other Americans for Human Rights and sign Human Rights First's petition to the presidential candidates asking them to commit to ending policies that have led to torture and tarnished the United States:


    Elect to End Torture 08 is a nonpartisan campaign to make sure that the next President puts an end to policies allowing torture and cruel treatment and adopts a strong national security policy that is consistent with the laws and values of our nation.



    Saturday, October 4, 2008

    The Progress Report's take on Palin



    Palin's Debate With The Facts


    Last night's match-up between Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) and Gov. Sarah Palin
    (R-AK) was one "most
    highly anticipated vice-presidential debates in history
    ." The event at
    Washington University in St. Louis, MO, capped off one of Palin's most
    high-profile weeks, in which she completed a series of interviews with CBS's
    Katie Couric and various right-wing radio hosts. The picture that emerged was of
    a candidate struggling to grasp complex issues outside of her narrow right-wing
    worldview. At times, her positions not only went against what the majority of
    the American public believes, but also

    against scientific facts
    . Even conservative Washington Post columnist
    Charles Krauthammer admitted after yesterday's debate that he "wasn't
    impressed by the depth of her answers
    or the breadth of her knowledge."
    Palin kept repeating that she wanted to move away from the past and look ahead,
    but at no point was she able to demonstrate how, going forward, a McCain-Palin
    administration would be anything but a third Bush term.

    ECONOMIC CLUELESNESS: As Congress is in
    the middle of

    approving a $700 billion financial bailout
    , yesterday's debate appropriately
    kicked off with a discussion of economic issues. Palin repeatedly stressed the
    reform that she and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) would bring to the government. "Now,

    John McCain thankfully has been one representing reform
    ," Palin said. "Two
    years ago, remember, it was John McCain who pushed so hard with the Fannie Mae
    and Freddie Mac reform measures. He sounded that warning bell." This claim,
    however, is an exaggeration. This morning, NPR fact-checked Palin's claim and
    found that in 2005, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) was actually the one who led the
    effort to tighten regulations. NPR said that the only piece they could find from
    McCain was a press release co-sponsoring Hagel's measure. Additionally, in an
    interview in November 2007, McCain admitted that he was clueless about the
    economic mess: "So, I'd like to tell you that I did anticipate it, but I have to
    give you straight talk,

    I did not
    ." In an interview that aired on Sept. 24, Couric pressed Palin to
    name "specific examples" of McCain pushing for more regulation. Palin failed,
    however, and simply replied, "I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to
    you." Palin was similarly confused and overwhelmed by her memorized talking
    points in a CBS interview that aired the next day, when she inexplicably claimed
    that the bailout is needed to "help
    those who are concerned about the health care reform
    that is needed to help
    shore up the economy," a position that no experts have taken.

    aggressively criticized anyone advocating withdrawal from Iraq, even though it
    is a

    position held by the majority of the American public
    . Palin claimed that a
    timeline for redeployment -- now also embraced by

    President Bush

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri-al Maliki
    -- would be "a
    white flag of surrender
    ." Of course, Palin failed to note that before
    adopting the talking points of the McCain campaign, she held a similar view. In
    March 2007, Palin told the Alaska Business Monthly, "I've been so focused on
    state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. ... [W]hile
    I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration,

    I want to know that we have an exit plan in place
    ." Last night and during
    her CBS interviews, Palin made repeated references to "victory" and "winning" in
    Iraq while also praising Gen. David Petraeus. Petraeus, however, has

    disavowed such terms
    , wanting to avoid "premature
    declarations of success
    ." The McCain campaign continues to tout Palin as a
    foreign policy expert. This week on NPR, McCain claimed that he has "turned
    to her advice many times in the past
    " on these issues. Defending the claim

    Alaska's proximity to Russia

    constitutes national security experience
    , the campaign told CBS News this
    week that "Russian
    ...inside the air defense identification zone have occurred."
    However, a spokesman for the Alaska region of the North American Aerospace
    Defense Command has confirmed that "no
    Russian military planes have been flying even into that zone
    " during Palin's

    EMBRACING DARTH VADER: In yesterday's
    debate, Biden called Dick Cheney "one
    of the most dangerous vice presidents
    " in history. Palin, however, had a
    very different view of "Darth
    ." "I'm thankful the Constitution would

    allow a bit more authority given to the vice president
    if that vice
    president so chose to exert it in working with the Senate," she said in last
    night's debate. Palin also

    stuck up for Cheney's claim
    that he's not part of the executive branch,
    saying that the Constitution allowed for "flexibility
    there in the office of the vice president
    ." When asked what Cheney's biggest
    mistake has been while in office, Palin refused to name any of his official
    actions to Couric. "Worst thing, I guess that would have been

    the duck hunting accident
    , where you know, that was an accident," she said.
    "And that I think that was made into a caricature of him." Trying to paint
    herself as a reformer, Palin bragged that as governor, she has appointed people
    of party
    ." However, high school affiliation has been very important. As the
    New York Times noted, "The

    Wasilla High School yearbook archive
    now doubles as a veritable directory of
    state government." Palin has appointed her former junior high band-mate, among

    Gonzales, and Bush Broke the Law

    Finally, the cold hard truth is coming out: 

    Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
    and the
    Bush Justice Department
    fired people for blatantly partisan purposes - breaking
    the law
    and injecting politics into our justice system. (A
    system which can only function in a democracy when it is free from partisan

    It is sad that none of us are the least bit surprised.  This week, Glenn
    Fine, the

    Inspector General
    , assigned to investigate the politicization of the

    Justice Department
    released a critically important 392 page report.

    In it, he stated they found "significant evidence that political
    partisan considerations were an important factor in the removal of several of
    the U.S. attorneys." 
    Remember, this report comes from Bush's own

    Justice Department investigation
    . Imagine the scathing report that would
    come from a fully nonpartisan source.

    The report also stated

    Alberto Gonzales
    , his chief
    of staff

    Kyle Sampson
    , and his deputy
    Paul McNulty failed "to
    provide accurate and truthful statements about the removals and their role in
    the process."  This is a polite way to say that Gonzales and Sampson lied to
    investigators.  This is unacceptable, and Gonzales, Sampson, and Rove should
    face criminal charges for this this behavior.

    The report also stated that one of the US attorneys,
    David Iglesias, was
    removed "without any inquiry into his handling of the cases."

    The report is so damning of Alberto Gonzales, Rove, Miers, and others that
    the current Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, has appointed a
    Special Prosecutor to
    investigate and, if warranted, issue criminal charges.

    Whether this is the beginning of real accountability remains to be seen, but
    it is my mission to try to make sure Congress does not abdicate its
    responsibility to do its own investigations.


    Later this week, Chairman Conyers and the Judiciary Committee will hold
    hearings on this matter, where I expect to vigorously question Inspector General
    Fine and other witnesses.

    Like you, I will not be satisfied until I see true justice, blind
    from partisanship, and a wholesale cleansing of the Justice Department. 
    We must remove anyone who contributed to the corrupting of this
    critical institution.

    Given the fact that John McCain's campaign is chock full of Bush and Rove
    allies, there is no reason to think a McCain administration would stop the
    corruption and mismanagement of the justice department.  Obviously, working to
    elect Obama gets us much closer to this goal.

    While we are dealing with very serious issues in Congress this week, it is my
    view that the threat posed by a corrupting of the Justice department is of vital
    importance and must be dealt with seriously by this Congress.

    Nothing less than our system of justice is at stake.  We must not be
    distracted from that reality.

    Please keep vigilant.


    Robert Wexler



    Paid for by "Wexler for Congress"




    Friday, October 3, 2008

    My take on last nights VP Debate

    My take on last nights VP Debate.

    The stars:

    Governor Sarah Palin: coached, pushy, insincere, insolent, and overbearing.

    Senator Joe Bidden: smooth, articulate, informed, patient, and entirely too

    Palin's coaches must have spent hours instilling the maverick theme into her
    head, because she brought it up so many times I wanted to reach through the
    television screen and shake her.

    I wonder who's idea it was that she should wink when she attempted to make a
    point. That might go over well at the 'Mustang Ranch' outside of Reno Nevada,
    but not for a VP wanna be.

    Finally, when Joe Bidden knew that he was going to have the last word of the debate he threw it back down her throat. (did you see her face) When he said that McCain was about as much a maverick as a Lemming, and that he'd voted with bush nearly every time bush proposed an issue.

    I thought he got a really good shot in with the bridge to nowhere statement too.

    I didn't think either of the combatants answered the questions the moderator
    asked, but they answered around them; typical politician rhetoric.

    I believe that Palin will continue in Cheney's shoes as if he never left office, and with McPalin in office we will have four more years of bush's march to Dictatorship, and I'm the decider tactics and policies.

    I further believe that Palin could make a plausible one night stand, wink, wink, but not four nights let alone four years.

    Joe Bidden can be a forthright VP if he will remember the things his Mom & Dad taught him about honesty, and forget all he's learned about Political Dishonesty.

    My Wish List:

    I'm Damned tired of having to vote for the lessor of two evils! I want a President that shines.

    A 'Sir Galahad', Some one to look up to as the best of the best.

    I've had it with criminals, slime balls, and lobbyists.

    I've had it with mediocrity, and lame Ideas.

    I've had it with WAR'S!

    I've had it with criminal desecration, & the destruction of our planet's treasures such as:

    Pure clean Water

    Pure clean Air

    Clean Life giving Soil

    The wanton destruction of species, and their particular Habitat {Drill, Drill, Drill} in the name of Corporate greed.

    The wanton destruction of the Plants and Trees {carbon dioxide scrubbers} in the
    name of Corporate greed.

    I want a President that has values and beliefs that will reverse the 'Madness', and get us on track to a more livable Planet.

    I don't give a snap of my fingers about which 'party' that person comes from, their gender, their race, their religion (after all that's what the founder's of this NATION had in mind when they signed the CONSTITUTION)


    Have I pretty much stated the wishes of "WE THE PEOPLE"?

    Are you with me?

    Is there anyone that stands out?

    Anyone that is living up to these standards now, and has been all their life? {I haven't seen them in this Political climate.}

    If there is, your comments are appreciated, WE all need to be able to see for ourselves.

    But the first thing on the agenda has to be to REMOVE the ENTIRE CURRENT
    ADMINISTRATION. These public servants have gone power mad at THE COUNTRY'S EXPENSE!

    They forget WHO it is that THEY WORK FOR...

    They forget WHO it is that IS PAYING THEIR SALARY.

    They are simply 'corporate' ceo's that are running amuck!

    There is no statute of limitations on IMPEACHMENT!

    We can IMPEACH the current administration from top to bottom even after they have left office. If we do that, we eliminate their 'golden parachute'; otherwise, they'll keep screwing us as long as they live.





    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    We need an alternative to the Bush Banker Bailout.

    Dear Friend,

    Members of the House of Representatives did the right thing on September 29th when they voted down the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. That bill was a sham of a compromise that handed the Bush Administration all kinds of victories. Now it's time for a new bill, and a better bill.

    Unfortunately, the Senate just passed a slightly modified version of that same bill. Since only a third of them are up for reelection this year, they have the political cover to hand the Bush Administration a blank check and wash their hands of it. By passing this near-clone of the bill the House defeated on Monday, the Senate is taking a strong stand for the Bush Administration and daring the House to vote down the bill and look like petty contrarians for doing so.

    But there is another option: the No Bailout Act. Reps. Peter DeFazio, Donna Edwards and Marcy Kaptur, among others, have proposed this bill as a progressive alternative to the Paulson plan. The bill isn't perfect, but it's better than what we've seen so far. The House deserves a chance to vote on it.

    I just signed a petition telling Rep. DeFazio that I support his fight for a progressive alternative to the Bush Bailout -- I hope you will too.

    Please have a look and take action.





    Wednesday, October 1, 2008

    The Bush-Obama-McCain-Bailout

    The Bush-Obama-McCain-Bailout – I'm calling it the B.O.M.B. – is being force-fed to the American people through a continual barrage of scare tactics and doom and gloom scenarios.

    This reminds me of the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq.

    Colin Powell went before the U.N. with a vial of baby powder while Condi Rice warned of the immediate threat by conjuring images of mushroom clouds. George Bush took to the airwaves during his state of the union and uttered 16 words to frighten America into action: "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

    As the American public now knows, the above information was nothing more than hype, spin, and in many cases, pure lies.

    Fast-forward five years and now the same administration that brought us the invasion and occupation of Iraq has combined forces with John McCain and Barack Obama to declare war on the American taxpayer.

    Make no mistake, our economy is in trouble. Bureaucrats in Washington would like you to believe that this was all caused by the "G word" – GREED.

    They blame corrupt corporate executives and greedy investors for our financial meltdown.

    They are right about one thing, a "G word" caused the problem – GOVERNMENT.

    Complex financial rules and regulation like "mark to market standards" have prematurely devalued investments. Combine those rules with our government's attempts at social engineering by enabling lenders like Fannie and Freddie to make high-risk loans to bad risk or unqualified borrowers and we have a recipe for disaster.

    The solution is not taking a trillion of OUR dollars to correct the mistakes of bureaucrats and politicians. The solution is to get the government as far away from Wall Street as is possible.

    The only candidate who understands what is going on and has the credibility to do something about it is our Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr.

    After the House voted down the B.O.M.B., the New York Times reported:

    . . . a majority of the House voted along with Bob Barr, the Libertarian . . .

    The popular publication, Politico, reported:

    There was, however, one presidential "contender" who got on the right side of this issue: former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr. Barr called today's bill "the bailout from hell" and warned it would make Henry Paulson "an economic dictator, empowered to reengineer the economy as he sees fit.

    My friend, the Libertarian Party is poised to have its moment in the sun on this issue and bring a light of liberty into the homes of everyday Americans who are furious with their elected officials.

    Since I began working with the LP years ago and throughout my tenure as the party's executive director, we have never had a better moment to show America the nature and purpose of libertarianism.

    Only 34 days remain before our national election and I ask that you give us the resources that we need to bring our views on this issue into every home in our nation.

    Help us today in two ways:

    First, make a generous contribution to our presidential campaign by clicking here. Your donation of $10, $100, $1,000 or more will help us reach million of Americans.

    Following your gift, I sincerely ask that you renew your commitment to the Libertarian Party by starting or renewing your annual membership today. Even if you are a current member, give another $25 today to renew your commitment and support the ONLY party that stands on principle.

    Only days remain to deliver our message of liberty. Your support is urgently needed. Please donate to the campaign and then renew your support for our great party.

    Thank you for all that you do and for your commitment to liberty.


    Shane Cory
    Deputy Campaign Manager
    Bob Barr for President

    To donate by mail:

    Barr 2008 Presidential Committee
    P.O. Box 725007
    Atlanta, GA 31139

    To donate by phone:

    Call 1-800-Bob-Barr

    Paid for by Barr 2008 Presidential Committee.

    Federal law requires us to report the name, address, and name of employer and occupation for any individual whose aggregate contributions total over $200 in a calendar year. Corporate contributions and gifts from foreign nationals are prohibited. Personal Credit Card gifts only. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Limit of $2,300 per person per election and $4,600 per couple if signed by both parties and drawn on a jointly held bank account.

