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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only an Idiot like bush believes there is 'Clean Coal'

Just before Christmas, the true cost and danger of coal became apparent in the town of Harriman, Tennessee.

On the morning of December 22, the earthen dam at the Kingston Power Plant containing coal fly ash failed catastrophically, unleashing a six-foot wall of toxic water and mud.

By the time the flood subsided, more than a billion gallons of coal sludge had damaged 15 homes -- three beyond repair -- before pouring into the nearby Emory and Clinch rivers.

In comparison, the Exxon Valdez spilled a "mere" 11 million gallons of crude oil. And the coal fly ash spill in Harriman is three times larger than the October, 2000 coal sludge spill in Martin County, Kentucky, which the EPA called "the largest environmental disaster east of the Mississippi."

Miraculously, there were no human injuries in last week's spill. Yet the Emory and Clinch rivers flow into the Tennessee River -- the primary water source for many Tennessee towns and cities, including Chattanooga. Coal fly ash contains heavy metals including lead, mercury, arsenic, chromium, and selenium. And though it will take years for the full affect of this environmental disaster to be known, iLoveMountains.org has teamed with the Upper Watauga Riverkeeper and the Waterkeeper Alliance to test the waters's of the Clinch and Emory Rivers for contaminants. To learn more about these discoveries and find links to news, blog posts, photos, and videos of the event, visit:


In short, the toxic coal ash spill at Harriman reveals what we've known all along -- there is no such thing as clean coal.

As Grist magazine points out, "there is no "clean coal" that doesn't produce millions of tons of toxic sludge, just as there is not yet any form of coal that doesn't send millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere."

Despite the spill at Harriman, TN, Big Coal and their lobbyists will be doing all they can in the coming year to convince decision makers in Washington that "clean coal" is the solution to America's foreign energy dependence. They'll do everything in their power to obfuscate the true cost of coal --

more than 470 mountains destroyed to date, thousands of miles of stream destroyed, and millions of pounds of toxic chemicals released into the environment and our nation's waters.

And let's not forget all the thousands of coal miners suffering from 'Black Lung';"Clean Coal"? (my aunt harriet's hat!)

But we can beat these industry lobbyists -- and put an end to mountaintop removal coal mining in America -- if we keep up the pressure in the new year.

That's why I am turning to you today to ask for your generous support. As 2008 comes to an end, can you make a contribution of $50, $100 -- or the most generous amount you can afford -- to help iLoveMountains.org as we prepare for the big challenges and opportunities coming our way in 2009?

Click here or visit http://ilovemountains.org/donate to make a special year-end gift to the mountains we love.

Your contributions to iLoveMountains.org supports the efforts of groups working to end mountaintop removal coal mining and to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for Appalachia -- and all of America.

I hope that you will consider iLoveMountain.org's leadership in the fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining worthy of your generous year-end support.

From all of us at iLoveMountains.org -- have a safe and Happy New Year.

Matt Wasson

P.S. With the holidays in full swing, many people have not heard about the environmental disaster in Harriman, TN. Visit http://www.ilovemountains.org/tva-spill/ to learn more about the coal fly ash spill and to help spread the word.

PPS. And of course, the idiot that is being evicted from the white house in just over a week gives his whole hearted endorsment to mountain top removal and dumping the debris into nearby streams, lakes, and rivers. We can't be rid of him too soon. Impeachment has no statute of limitations!

Go Completely Green Don't pay for electricity any longer...

Instead, let the power company pay YOU!

Easily Build your own solar power generator - Complete setup
instructions with easy to follow illustrations! Also, build your own
solar panels to save extra money! (easy to follow diagrams)

Easily Build your own wind power generator - You can generate useable
energy with a home made windmill for under $200! + it will be very
professional looking! (complete with diagrams)

Why pay $1000's for solar or wind power when you can build your own
professional system for less than $200?! (in your own backyard)

Go Completely Green Don't pay for electricity any longer...
Instead, let the power company pay YOU!

Oh, one more thing; we'll even tell you where to get storage batteries
for next to nothing.

So now it's up to you, do you want to help put those polluting Mountain
top destroying Coal Companies out of business, and produce your own
totally green electric energy; and save hundred$ of dollar$ a year, or
keep adding to Global Warming?

PS. I believe I saw that the Government is giving home owners tax
credits for this type of program. You might check it out!






Friday, December 26, 2008

Speak Out Against The Planned Bush Blanket Pardons BEFORE They happen

Pay no attention to the handful of Christmas pardons granted by Bush.
This is mere political window dressing to distract from the bumper
crop of blanket absolutions, including one for himself, scheduled to
be released just before midnight on Jan 19th. Cheney would not so
arrogantly be bragging on TV about how he authorized torture if it
were not so.

But there is a resolution in Congress, H.Res. 1531, preemptively
condemning any such move if we can just get enough members of
Congress to sponsor it (already 10 so far). Many of you have
submitted a action page on this already. Please do it again,
especially if your representative did not hear you the first time.

Action Page To Stop The Bush Pardons:

Each action page you submit is another lump of coal in Cheney's
stocking. Some have speculated on the possibility of post
inauguration impeachment, especially considering the fact that many
insiders are waiting until then to spill the beans.

Maybe they don't want to get bumped off in asuspicious plane crash like Mike Connell.

But a self pardon at the very last minute would certainly be grounds
for some kind of action, perhaps even impeachment, if and only if
Congress would react and take action immediately.

So we will still continue to distribute the impeachment message items
until the very last minute as well. If you did not get one of the
original navy blue "IMPEACH CHENEY?" caps, which was the original
"question" hat, we still have some of those which you can get from
the return page of the action page above. And of course we have the
orange "IMPEACH BOTH!!!" caps (the "answer" hat). If you wear one and
a friend wears the other that is especially effective. Or you can
request a copy of the Impeachment Play DVD, either from that same
return page, or here is the link directly for all three.

Impeachment Caps and DVDs:

In any case we need to get ready to raise a renewed hue and cry when
the expected happens on January 19th. How hard could it be to get
members of Congress to simply raise their hand and declare that a
presidential self pardon, let alone pardon of his criminal
co-conspirators, is maybe not such a good idea? If we are to draw the
line anywhere, this is where is must be drawn.

And let us look forward to the day when we will have real
representatives in Washington, for a change, because we never stopped speaking out.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at





Monday, December 22, 2008

Special Prosecutor for Bush War Crimes

Dear Attorney General-Designate Eric Holder,

We the undersigned citizens of the United States hereby formally petition you to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes.

These crimes are being euphemistically referred to as "abusive interrogation techniques" by such respected figures as Senator John McCain. These are euphemisms for torture.

Torture is a War Crime. Waterboarding is a War Crime. The CIA has admitted waterboarding detainees. Recently, Vice President Cheney has brazenly admitted authorizing the program that led to waterboarding, other forms of torture too numerous to list, and ultimately, the deaths by homicide of detainees.

As Major General Antonio Taguba, the Army general who led the investigation into prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has stated:

"After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts and reports from human rights organizations,

there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account."

The Washington Post recently summarized the Senate Armed Services Committee Report on detainee treatment thusly:

A bipartisan panel of senators has concluded that former defense secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and other top Bush administration officials bear direct responsibility for the harsh treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and that their decisions led to more serious abuses in Iraq and elsewhere.

We the undersigned citizens demand a full and thorough investigation immediately upon your taking office.

This investigation should be pursued no matter where it may lead and no matter what the political implications may be. To this end, we remind you that you work not on behalf of or for the President or the Congress, but for the People of the United States of America and for Justice itself.

The United States is a representative democracy. The actions of our government officials are done in the name of its citizens. War Crimes have been committed in our name. Torture has been done in our name. The only way to clear our name of War Crimes is to repudiate them through the aggressive prosecution of each and every person involved to the full extent of the law through the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.

Go here to sign the petition.

Tell all your friends and associates to sign too. We can't let them get away with making us co-conspiritors in their crimes.


More reasons for Impeachment

progress report


America's Torture Disgrace
In a recent interview with ABC News, Vice President Dick Cheney confirmed that, in the period after the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration embraced a policy of torturing suspected al Qaeda detainees. Cheney did not refer to the Bush administration's practices as "torture." In fact, he insisted that "we don't do torture. We never have." He did admit, however, that he had supported the waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad. Waterboarding -- a technique in which water is poured over a prisoner's face to simulate drowning -- is considered torture under international law and has been prosecuted as a war crime by the United States. According to Malcolm Nance, a counterterrorism expert and former instructor and chief of training at the U.S. Navy's Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape school, waterboarding "is torture, without doubt."

TORTURE DOESN'T WORK: In a recent story in Vanity Fair, journalist David Rose reports that the conclusion of numerous counterterrorist officials he spoke to is "unanimous: not only have coercive methods failed to generate significant and actionable intelligence, they have also caused the squandering of resources on a massive scale through false leads, chimerical plots, and unnecessary safety alerts." The use of torture has made Americans less safe. Former Air Force interrogator and author of How to Break a Terrorist Matthew Alexander (a pseudonym) recently wrote that "the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked [to Iraq] to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo." Alexander, who used non-violent methods of interrogation to obtain information on the whereabouts of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, argued, "Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda. ... Torture and abuse cost American lives."

TORTURE IS A VIOLATION OF OUR LAWS AND VALUES: Arguments about the practical utility of torture distract from the more important point that torture is a violation of U.S. law, and its use represents a significant abdication of the U.S. commitment to human rights. The U.S. federal anti-torture statute, formally known as Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113C of the U.S. Code, "defines the crime of torture and prescribes harsh punishments for anyone who commits an act of torture outside of the United States." Alexander wrote "there's no doubt in my mind" that the tactics allowed by the Bush administration "are illegal." The U.N. Committee Against Torture has been very clear in demanding that the U.S. "should rescind any interrogation technique...that constitutes torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in all places of detention under its de facto effective control, in order to comply with its obligations" under the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

HOLDING PERPETRATORS ACCOUNTABLE: The Bush administration's embrace of torture marks a significant reversal of decades of U.S. policy. Back in 2006, then-senator Barack Obama said that torture "is not how a serious Administration would approach the problem of terrorism," and declared the use of torture to be "a betrayal of American values." While Vice President-elect Biden didn't rule out future prosecution of Bush administration officials involved in torture, he made clear yesterday that "President-elect Obama and I are not sitting thinking about the past. We're focusing on the future." Whatever legal course is chosen by the new administration to deal with recent abuses, the damage done to America's reputation by the use of torture -- making a mockery of U.S. claims to uphold human rights -- has been incalculable.


Watch these 3 videos




Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Libertarian Party!

Dec. 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Libertarian Party!

Dear Loyal Supporter,

Even after 37 years, the Libertarian Party is still America's most viable alternative to Republicans and Democrats, and in times like these, our presence in American politics has never been more important.

If they haven't already, millions of Americans are losing faith in their elected officials. They're lost, and looking for the answers they now can't find in their old political parties. Republicans are supporting nationalization, and Democrats are supporting corporate welfare.

Yet, while members of the GOP and the Democratic Party wonder where their parties went, I want to renew our promises to you, which haven't changed in the 37 years that we've been around:

The Libertarian Party will never use your money to bailout private corporations

The Libertarian Party will always promote free market alternatives to government action in the economy

The Libertarian Party will always fight for less government intervention in the market

The Libertarian Party will never raise your taxes, letting you keep the money that you earn

The Libertarian Party will ensure transparency is included in all government expenditures

The Libertarian Party will drastically cut the size of government, not increase its size with positions like "Car Czar"

The Libertarian Party will protect a free and competitive market, which allocates resources in the most efficient manner—even in times of economic downturn

The Libertarian Party will always oppose all government attempts to redistribute wealth, or to control or manage trade

The Libertarian Party will work towards the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution

The Libertarian Party will fight against government debt, which burdens future generations without their consent

The Libertarian Party will divest government of all functions that can be provided by non-governmental organizations or private individuals

The Libertarian Party will oppose government subsidies to business, labor, or any other special interest

The Libertarian Party will repeal of all laws that impede the ability of any person to find employment

The Libertarian Party will support the right of free persons to associate or not associate in labor unions, and protect the right of an employer to recognize or refuse to recognize a union

The Libertarian Party will oppose government interference in bargaining, such as compulsory arbitration or imposing an obligation to bargain

The Libertarian Party will repeal all governmental impediments to free trade

The Libertarian Party will protect your rights as a taxpayer, businessman or consumer

You will always know where we stand because we always stand for more liberty and less government.

This is our promise to you that we made 37 years ago, when our Party was founded by a group of people who were tired of the two-party system and were ready for a change.

That group has now grown to America's largest third party, and the only political party completely dedicated to maximizing freedom and minimizing government.

This is what we mean when we say we're the party of the taxpayer, the party of the businessman and the party of principle.

To celebrate our birthday, please consider a birthday gift of $37, celebrating our 37years as a political party. Your gift will help mark this special time for us, and will help to further what we do for liberty in the United States. Also, please consider a gift

Please consider donating right now, or simply renewing your membership as we have renewed our promise to you.

Thank you for all that you have done for us in these last 37 years, and we look forward to serving you for at least the next 37 years.

In Liberty,

Bill RedpathNational ChairmanLibertarian National Commitee
PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty. If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here.

PPS - If you have not yet contributed, please consider a donation right now of $25, $50, $100 or $1000 to the Libertarian Party. Your contribution will be used to grow the Party and expand the message of liberty. From ads to outreach, every dollar goes leading the liberty movement in its fight to restore the Constitution and maximize freedom.






Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Co-Sponsor H.Res. 1531 Against The Bush

Ask Your House Member To Co-Sponsor H.Res. 1531 Against The Bush
Preemptive Pardons

Another day, another non-denial denial that Bush is planning midnight
preemptive blanket pardons for his entire gang, including himself. In
an article in the New York Times the other day, current attorney
general Mukasey is quoted as asserting it would not be "necessary".
Please take careful note he did not say it wouldn't happen, because
unless we speak out now it WILL.

The best shot we have is H.Res. 1531 which puts the administration on
clear notice that there will be strong push back from Congress if
they attempt such a scurrilous stunt. Please submit this action page
to ask your House member to sign on as a co-sponsor of this measure.

Support H.Res. 1531 Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/hres1531.php

We all know that George Bush as someone without even the guts to face
his own music, he who sent more that four thousand brave Americans to
their senseless graves, for a premeditated and knowing lie in Iraq,
tens of thousands of American crippled and mutilated for life,
trillions looted from our economy, and he doesn't even have the
simple courage to risk the accountability of having to defend his
numberless crimes in a fair trial.

And our spineless 110th Congress hasn't the courage or intestinal fortitude to stand up to him and bring forth hearings for impeachment.

It is now known that Nixon seriously considered pardoning himself,
but even he was not THAT despicable. George Bush most certainly is.
And remember that his administration has been infested with Nixon era
cronies like Cheney and Rumsfeld, so it is no surprise that the
malfeasance of the Nixon era has been magnified in the last eight

Nixon infamously said, "If the president does it that means it is not
illegal", conveniently after his own blanket pardon by the way. That
has been their creed. The entire Bush administration has been one
ongoing criminal enterprise since day one, a wrecking ball to the
Constitution and rule of law, with torture, illegal surveillance,
obstruction and perversion of justice in the firing of U.S.
attorneys, not to mention national level election fraud, the naked
treason of outing Valerie Plame, and on and on.

And the only way we can make sure nothing like this EVER happens
again is to demand full accountability, so that all America truly
understands what a miserable, lying, cowardly creep we were so
foolish as to allow get away with stealing two successive
presidential elections.

Please call on your members of Congress to immediately sign on to
H.Res. 1531, and let's have a real national debate on the coming
greatest outrage of all, before they get away with that too.

Support H.Res. 1531 Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/hres1531.php

And you can also still get an "Impeach Both!!!" cap from the return
page from the action page submission. We're not going to say "while
supplies last", because we'll manufacture as many as you can wear,
right up until the last minute. Another 600 are going out today, for
a total of upwards of 2,000 more in just the last two weeks. So if
you have already requested yours, it is most likely already on the

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at




Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sounds like thieves praising thieves to me…

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Dennis Moore
Third District Kansas 1727 Longworth House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515-1603

Dear Congressman Moore:

I received your form letter written November 26, 2008 concerning my views about impeaching GW Bush from the office of President of the United States.

Again you state to me that congress has expressed no interest in resolving to impeach him.

Since you hold seats on the Committee on Financial Services, your seat on the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions, and your seat on the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations; you have the pulse of what it is going to cost us taxpayers to provide this criminal with his lifetime retirement Pension, his lifetime Medical, and Dental programs, and his lifetime cost for security services for his exalted personage.

Yet you tell me that Congress won’t investigate his criminal offenses, and bring charges of impeachment against him? Even though the crimes are so blatant!

So being a master criminal is okay as long as you hold an office in the US Government, and you deserve your retirement pensions because you held the office?

You further tell me that the “110th Congress the legislative branch of our government, particularly the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has continually exercised its constitutional responsibilities”, HOGWASH!

If there was any oversight, it was in watching the foxes eat the chickens!

I believe Congress has been wearing blinders for the last eight years, and wishes the “People” would just shut their eyes and mouths to the goings on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as Congress has done.

You allowed impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton because of his Oral Sexcapades, yet you allow bush to lead the country into poverty, war upon illegal war, wire tapping of private US citizens, trashing and treading upon the Bill of Rights, violation of the Geneva Convention, Torture, and you can’t seem to find justification to even investigate him for impeachable offences.

I believe you simply don’t want to open that issue because too many Congressman, and Senators might fall victim to impeachment themselves for their actions whilst in office.

After all, didn’t you applaud an Alaskan Senator that was recently found guilty of 7 crimes, and faces jail; on his last day on the Senate floor? Didn’t some call him an outstanding example of a public servant? Sounds like thieves praising thieves to me…

Besides, since the taxpayers and generations of their issue will be paying through the nose to bail out the bankers that got us into this financial mess anyway because of bush’s deregulation of the banking industry; the few paltry millions we will have to shell out to keep bush in comfort until he drops dead of natural causes shouldn’t be an issue CORRECT?

After all, you didn’t impeach his dad for his part in the Iran Contra Scandal, and that was pretty blatant, and out in the open, and aren’t we still supporting him in the lap of luxury?

Considering the way the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform tends to business, it’s a wonder that China doesn’t own the whole country; or do they, and “We The People” just haven’t been informed of that fact by our illustrious oh so honest Congress?




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Friday, December 5, 2008

Sarah Palin plans to issue permits to hunt for big game trophies in Alaskan Zoos

Sarah Palin is such a great sportsman, not only does she issue bounties on the forelegs of wolves shot from air planes,[TRUTH] but she believes that Alaskans will benefit from revenue earned by issuing permits to hunt for big game trophies in Alaska's public zoos. She says the zoos can be closed to the public for two days a week while hunters harvest their trophies. A portion of the permit fees will pay for replacement species for the next hunt. (Just a spoof, but Well why not, isn't that an obvious next step from aerial hunting for a sportsman of her caliber?)

Watch our award-winning video on aerial wolf killing and urge Governor Sarah Palin to end Alaska’s deadly slaughter from the skies.

For Immediate Release
November 7, 2008
Wade Willis, Defenders of Wildlife, (907) 276-9453
Alaska Department of Fish and Game expand predator control methods
Wildlife officials release protocol for the killing of wolf pups in their dens

JUNEAU – Wildlife officials presented a new protocol to the Board of Game today that would allow Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff to kill young wolf pups in or near their dens as part of the state's predator control programs. This practice, known as “denning,” is currently illegal under Alaska state law.

“We are highly disappointed with the department’s decision to allow denning even if it is limited to department staff. The state’s predator control programs are already viewed as scientifically unsound by the many biologists who have closely examined Alaska’s programs. This move will further tarnish the department’s credibility and hinder conservation efforts in the state,” said Wade Willis, Alaska Representative for Defenders of Wildlife.

The new protocol established by the agency is viewed as the department’s response to the massive public outcry sparked this summer when state officials shot three wolf packs from a helicopter in Unit 9D, then landed and shot 14 orphaned pups in the head at their den sites. To date the department has failed to reveal all of the details of the incident, but given the pups’ ages, Defenders believes that the pups were inside or near their dens when they were killed – an action that is illegal even for state officials. According to the new protocol, officials will attempt to place the pups in zoos or other wildlife facilities before destroying them.

The unveiling of the controversial protocol comes as the Board of Game also considers proposals submitted by predator control advocates to allow hunters to practice denning. These proposals were first floated last January and March, but the Board of Game chose to table them until after the public voted on the aerial gunning ballot measure. With the defeat of the ballot measure at the August polls, aerial gunning can still be used to kill wolves – leaving conservationists to wonder why the denning proposals continue to move forward.

The Board will decide on those proposals in the next few days.

“There’s nothing sportsmanlike about cornering and killing newborn pups, cubs and their parents in their dens when they’re most vulnerable. Wildlife managers should not be conducting predator control efforts after April 30, when wolves are raising their young pups. This is one of the main reasons aerial gunning and other methods are not permitted after this time,” Willis said.

Learn more about what Defenders is doing to help Alaskan wolves.


Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities. With more than 1 million members and activists, Defenders of Wildlife is a leading advocate for innovative solutions to safeguard our wildlife heritage for generations to come. For more information, visit www.defenders.org




Thursday, December 4, 2008

Under the terms of H. Res. 1531

(1) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the granting of preemptive pardons by the President to senior officials of his administration for acts they may have taken in the course of their official duties is a dangerous abuse of the pardon power;

(2) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the President should not grant preemptive pardons to senior officials in his administration for acts they may have taken in the course of their official duties;

(3) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that James Madison was correct in his observation that ‘‘[i]f the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds [to] believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty’’;

(4) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that a special investigative commission, or a Select Committee be tasked with investigating possible illegal activities by senior officials of the administration of President George W. Bush, including, if necessary, any abuse of the President’s pardon power; and

(5) the next Attorney General of the United States appoint an independent counsel to investigate, and, where appropriate, prosecute illegal acts by senior officials of the administration of President George W. Bush.

Under the terms of H. Res. 1531

Under article (3), Whereas on President George H.W. Bush granted a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to Elliott Abrams, Duane R. Clarridge, Alan Fiers, Clair George, Robert C. McFarlane, and Caspar W. Weinberger for all offenses charged, prosecuted, or committed in connection with the Iran-Contra Scandal in which he was alleged to have been involved.

Because of his suspected involvement in the Iran-Contra Scandal, former President George H.W. Bush should be investigated, and charges of impeachment be brought against him. There are no statute of limitations on impeachment.




Monday, December 1, 2008

Rep. Jerrold Nadler Leads Opposition to Bush Pardons

This is my inclusion on the petition:

Congressman Dennis Moore, Senators Roberts, and Brownback. Since you have not shown enough intestinal fortitude to move for impeachment, perhaps this watered down bill, H.Res. 1531 will get your vote.

Or are you going to stick your head in the ground, and hope this issue will go away, and the question of impeachment or any related thing will not come forward to force you to do the duty you swore an oath to do.

You couldn't find the fortitude to censure, and remove from chairmanship Joe lieberman for his actions during the recent election campaigns. You wouldn't even censure Alaska Senator Stephens when he was found guilty, and convicted of 7 crimes. As a matter of fact you applauded him on his last day in office; SHAME ON YOU! DO YOU THINK YOUR ACTIONS, OR INACTIONS GO UNNOTICED? A record is kept on whether or not you voted on an issue, and how you voted.

I for one am against rewarding criminals with a lifetime pension, security of their persons, and medical and dental benefits when I can't afford those same benefits for my own family.

There is no Statute of Limitations on Impeachment, and criminals no matter how high an office they hold; be they Congressmen, Senators, or those of the highest offices in the land are impeachable if they commit crimes that warrant such action.

You swore to uphold the laws of this Country, and the Constitution of the United States. It's time you honored your oath; or step down and let someone hold your office that WILL HONOR THE OATH of your esteemed office.

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, Democrats.com wrote:

From: Democrats.com
Subject: Rep. Nadler Leads Opposition to Bush Pardons

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 7:21 AM

Rep. Jerrold Nadler Leads Opposition to Bush Pardons

Congratulations! Just one week ago we asked you to launch a massive movement against pardons by signing a petition to your Representatives. Over 46,000 of you took action and Congress took notice.

On Friday, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced H.Res. 1531 urging President Bush not to pardon senior administration officials for crimes the President authorized.

It notes: President George W. Bush may have committed crimes involving the mistreatment of detainees, the extraordinary rendition of individuals to countries known to engage in torture, illegal surveillance of United States citizens, unlawful leaks of classified information, obstruction of justice, political interference with the conduct of the Justice Department, and other illegal acts and that Bush has been urged to grant preemptive pardons to senior administration officials who might face criminal prosecution for actions taken in the course of their official duties

Nadler's resolution urges Congress to investigate those crimes and any pardons relating to them, and urges the Attorney General (current or future) to appoint an Independent Counsel to prosecute those crimes.

These are major steps towards holding George Bush, Dick Cheney, and other senior officials accountable for their crimes and thereby upholding the rule of law, rather than allowing Presidents to become dictators.

Rep. Nadler's leadership is crucial because he chairs the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties and can use his credibility and clout to move the resolution forward either during the lame duck session in December or when the next Congress convenes on January 6.

So our next step is to persuade as many Representatives as possible to co-sponsor H.Res. 1531. Please sign our new petition:

We also encourage you to call your Representative at 202-224-3121 and speak with the Legislative Assistant who handles Judiciary matters. If your Representative says (s)he will co-sponsor, please let us know by commenting on our resolution "whipping" page:

Thanks for all you do! Bob Fertik #####

Forward this message to everyone you know! To subscribe, create a free Democrats.com account here:
http://www.democrats.com/user/register To unsubscribe from Democrats.com Activist Alerts, click here:





Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Progress Reports 17 Reasons To Give Thanks

17 Reasons To Give Thanks

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Progress Report will be off the rest of this week. Your daily report will return Monday, December 1.

This Thanksgiving, progressives have a lot to be thankful for. Here's our list:

We're thankful we'll soon have a president who will hit the ground running instead of a president who is running the country into the ground.

We're thankful that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow are demonstrating every night how strong and intelligent progressive voices can be successful on TV.

We're thankful we live in a center-left America rather than "Hannity's America."

We're thankful John McCain has more time to spend in the houses he owns...even if he can't remember them all.

We're thankful Sarah Palin has more time to watch over Russia and warn us in case Vladimir Putin ever "rears his head."

We're thankful that we're moving closer towards a complete withdrawal from Iraq.

We're thankful for the thousands of protesters who took to the streets across America to push for marriage equality.

We're not thankful for neo-McCarthys, neo-Hoovers, neo-Nazis, and neocons.

We're thankful for Tina Fey.

We're thankful to be liberal hacks.

We're not thankful for hack operatives burrowing into career civil service jobs.

We're more thankful for Vice President Joe Biden and "Morning Joe" than Joe Lieberman and "Joe the Plumber."

We're thankful that our troops will be able to get the education they so richly deserve.

We're thankful for the "Mustache of Justice," "Rahmbo," "Axe," and "Skippy."

We're thankful that reality still has a liberal bias.

We're thankful that there are only 55 days left until the end of the George W. Bush presidency.

We're thankful for the progressive mandate to govern.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Remember that if you're short on cash this holiday season, a gift subscription to the Progress Report is free.

The research team that brings you The Progress Report and ThinkProgress.org needs fall interns! Click here for more information.





Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Break the Bail-out

A left-right coalition is developing in Congress to block further funds for the bailout. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are both calling for no more bailout funds for the Department of the Treasury. Under the bailout law Congress is required to approve the second $350 billion in bailout funds. Thus far, Treasury has spent $290 of the initial $350 billion.

The performance of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve has been unacceptable and does not inspire confidence. They have hidden key information from the taxpayer and Congress and they have been unsure of what strategy will work to help the economy.

Stopping the bailout of Wall Street gives Congress time to decide whether the money should be sent, and if so, how?

Another alternative has been put forward by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Robert Byrd (D-WV), an economic stimulus plan that costs about one-third of what is remaining on the initial bailout, $100 billion. It deals with unemployment insurance, disaster relief, infrastructure, aid to states, aid to the auto industry and other parts of the economy.

Below is a letter that we urge you to send to your elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate. You can send the letter in a few seconds by clicking here.

In addition, please pledge to Break the Bailout by visiting http://www.BreakTheBailout.com -- we need to show Congress that we will hold them accountable. And, forward this email to everyone you know. There is strength in numbers.

Dear (senator/congressman)

I am writing you to urge you to refuse any request for additional funds for the bailout of Wall Street and Big Finance and to make your opposition publicly clear now.

Under the TARP legislation the Congress can stop additional payments to the Treasury for the bailout. The actions by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve indicate that they do not deserve more tax payer dollars.

The Congress was pushed to rush to judgment in a panic created by Secretary Paulsen and Chairman Bernanke. It is now seems that the panic was exaggerated. Indeed, Secretary Paulsen sought immediate authority to buy toxic assets from banks. The implication was that this was going to be to buy bad real estate mortgages.

But, last week, Secretary Paulsen changed course and said that was no longer an effective strategy and decided instead to inject taxpayer cash into the banking system by purchasing equity in companies.

Unfortunately, his purchases did not include the type of representation that a major investor would expect, e.g. a seat on the board, and the return rate was half of what Warren Buffet will be getting for similar purchases.

On top of the confusion by Secretary Paulsen and poor negotiating on behalf of the American taxpayer, the process has lacked transparency. The Department of Treasury actually blacked out key information in the contracts of people and firms they hired to work on the bailout.

Making matters worse, the Federal Reserve has not told the taxpayers what corporations have received $2 trillion in investments nor what security they received for the funds. This lack of transparency demonstrates that these organizations should not be trusted with taxpayer dollars.

Please let it be known that you oppose any further funds for the bailout. Breaking the bailout will provide an opportunity to consider whether money should be spent and if so how do so more effectively.

If members of the House and Senate speak out on this topic a vote may not even be necessary as Secretary Paulsen and President Bush will realize that they should not ask for additional funds.

Make it clear now that elected officials oppose further bailout funds for Wall Street and big finance.


[Your name]

Please take action today by clicking here. We can stop this bailout and get our economy on track.

And, please pledge to Break the Bailout at www.BreaktheBailout.com. We have a lot of work to do to harness the anger of Americans into an effective force to put in place the economy we want for the 21st Century.

Thank you.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Campaign for Fresh Air & Clean Politics




Friday, November 14, 2008

The Bloody Bitch is at it again

This week, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin 'The Great white huntress' Board of Game wants to target more wolf mothers and pups for slaughter.

"She's such an avid sportsman! Shooting defenseless animials from airplanes is her idea of sport hunting."

But with one caring act, you can give a gift that will help stop this horrible killing and support on-the-ground work to save the lives of wolves in Alaska and across America:

Adopt a wolf today from our brand-new Wildlife Adoption Center and help support wolf-saving work in Alaska and Greater Yellowstone.

Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program has already claimed the lives of more than 800wolves --

with another season of slaughter about to begin. In June, Palin's state officials drew widespread condemnation for slaughtering 14 wolf pups --each just weeks old -- with a shot to the head.

Ignoring the public outcry from the killings, members of the state’s Board of Game -- many hand-picked by The "Bloody Bitch" Palin -- have decided to continue the killing of wolf pups and mothers by state officials.

It’s all part of the state’s brutal wolf-killing program, and we need your help this Holiday Season to stop it.

A wolf adoption makes a special holiday gift and will support our efforts to fight this brutal policy -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the Greater Yellowstone region and Northern Rockies.

Each tax-deductible wolf adoption from our newly redesigned Wildlife Adoption Center comes with a plush wolf toy, a personalized Certificate of Adoption, a handsome 5” x 7” color wolf photograph and a fact sheet full of fascinating information about wolves.

This winter will be deadly for Alaska’s wolves. But your gift adoption for a loved one -- or yourself -- can make a world of difference for these wolves and other wildlife. Please make a caring wolf adoption today.

For the wild ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Please make a wolf gift adoption at wildlifeadoption.org or call 1-800-385-9712. For other ways to help support our on-the-ground efforts to save wolves, visit our new Wolf-Saving Gifts and Gifts & Gear shops.




Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Show the World that bush no longer controls the EPA

One of the first, defining decisions facing President-elect Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is whether to heed the Supreme Court and regulate global warming pollution under the Clean Air Act.

We have an opportunity right now to shape that decision.

Send an email to the EPA today supporting strong action under existing law to protect human health by reducing global warming pollution.

More Background

EDF is pushing hard for comprehensive climate legislation as an essential step in slowing, stopping and reversing the catastrophic threats of run-away global warming.

Crafted properly, such legislation would cap and reduce America's global warming emissions and create economic incentives to spur green energy innovation that would grow the economy and create jobs.

Passing global warming legislation is critical, but there's another way to get action:

The EPA can use the tools it already has under the Clean Air Act to start reducing global warming pollution right now.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" under the Clean Air Act. Way back in April 2007, the Court told the EPA to get to work on regulating carbon dioxide.

But under pressure from the White House, the EPA has taken a go-slow approach.

After months of foot-dragging, the EPA is now asking for public comments. That's where you come in.

Send an email today: Urge the EPA to use existing law to reduce America's global warming pollution.

The public comment deadline is November 28, 2008, so please act now.

Opponents of global warming action are flooding the EPA with comments opposing action. We can't let them get the upper hand.

The EPA needs to hear from you that it should take strong action under existing law to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Send an email today to make sure the EPA hears from us.

Thanks for support and activism. It makes a huge difference.

Environmental Defense Fund Action Network



Monday, November 10, 2008

Impeach Bush Before He Pardons Himself

According to Seymour Hersh there is a conga line of insiders waiting
until January 20th to spill the beans on the gross criminality of the
Bush/Cheney administration. Waiting . . . because if they did it now
the two of them would be tarred and feathered on the way out the

But we the people do not have to wait. We can and must demand the
immediate impeachment of both Bush and Cheney for what is already
known. At the very least the defiance of congressional subpoenas at
the behest of the White House is an open and shut case for
accountability now.

Impeach Now Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/impeach_now.php

Because as his final constitutional insult, his final spit in the
face to the American people and all rule of law, it is transparently
obvious that Bush is planning the most wholesale and wrongful pardon
of the worst political criminals in American history, his whole
criminal gang, INCLUDING himself.

And don't think that is not their precise plan. Please, what power
has Bush NOT abused? What heinous, self-serving, shameless and
dishonest act has he ever shied away from, when he was torturing and
eavesdropping and lying us into wars of corporate aggression. Does
anyone doubt that is what he is planning on doing?

And when you submit this action page, you will have one last chance
to get one of the "Impeach Both!!!" caps, which after January 20th
will no longer be available from us for love or for money.

Impeach Now Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/impeach_now.php

Will Congress now act? That is not the yardstick of the worth of our
activism. We speak out because we must speak out, whether we are
heeded or not. Let history record that we spoke out until the last
minute to the eternal shame of those who did not. Because when enough
of us speak out at once, the worst thing that can possibly happen is
that we are building the progressive base for the REAL change of the

So Bush most certainly is planning on pardoning himself. And all the
right wing lock down ideologues in the corporate controlled media
will call it "healing". Let's all make nice with war criminals? Shall
we all make nice with the gang rape of our economy, our environment
and our Constitution? We think not.

And one more thing. You know that come January 20th the right wing
will start calling for the impeachment of our new president, over a
endless litany of the most ridiculous of trivial trifles. In fact it
has already started even though he has not even taken office. If they
are so hot on impeaching someone, let them speak out now, when it
truly is called for, or shut the hell up in 73 days.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at




Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well America you showed you were smarter than a box of Rocks!

You didn't select another four years of complete insanity!

However, this is...

How the election is covering up a most important issue.

Every politician is hoping that this issue will be forgotten in the romance of newly elected representatives.

IMPEACHMENT! There are no statute of limitations on impeachment!

IF ever a president, and vice president (no capitals on purpose) needed, and deserved impeaching, the sitting elected officials deserve it the most.

Even after they have been voted out, and removed from office by the next elected batch, they can be impeached for their crimes.

What will that solve you ask?

For starters, it will send a message to every aspiring politician that "the people" will not tolerate criminal behaviour in office..

That crimes will not go unpunished...

That we will not provide a golden parachute retirement to criminals for the rest of their lives.

That we will not provide unlimited medical, and dental treatment to criminals for the rest of their lives.

That we will not provide around the clock protection to the families of criminals for the rest of their lives.

And most important: we will not tolerate having anyone trash our Constitution, and get away with it...

In the last eight years, we have had more Congressmen, and Senators convicted for criminal behaviour than under any other administration in four decades; and that includes the nixon administration . All because those same convicted Congressmen, and Senators saw the president, and vice president committing major crimes, and going unpunished, and believed they too could get away with their crimes.

Who really is the Government in this country? The hired (by election) politicians, or the people who hired (elected) them? That is the real issue here, and one that had better be decided now!

If this election (hiring process) goes as expected, we will have a whole new batch of office holders that will either follow the direction of those that hired them; or will if not directed play by their own rules.

We'd better decide today if we are sheep, or sheep herders!

DON'T ALLOW THE GUILTY TO ESCAPE, IMPEACH THEM! Then put them on trial for their crimes against us.




Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are Americans Masochistic, and Dumb as a box of rocks?

By 7Pm Pacific time, we'll know for certain!

We'll know if we are going to be forced to endure 4 more years of Bushonomics, or something different.

Frankly I don't think the American public is smart enough to bail them selves out of the mess the last 8 years have put us in.

After all, We allowed the bush dictatorship to shape our Country for an additional 4 years even after seeing what a mess he had made in his first four didn't we?

Besides, America has had her 200 years of Glory; and history has shown time and again that Nations are only able to maintain greatness for 200 years before they become so jaded, and smug that they fall into decay.

In eight years we have gone from a Nation of leadership in the world, to being a laughing stock.

A lender to other nations; to one of debtor.

A leader in diplomacy to a National war machine.

All because we allowed an insane despot to steal the reigns of leadership, and keep them for eight years.

And tonight by 7 PM Pacific time, we'll know if our Masochistic streak has continued, and we've by our stupidity, and apathy allowed another four years of the same political agenda to continue driving our once great Country into it's grave.

Through our apathy, we have not yet forced our Congress, and Senate to begin IMPEACHMENT of this insane despot; even though there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON IMPEACHMENT!

As a Nation, it is our duty to uphold our Constitution even if our elected leaders will not.

IMPEACHMENT is clearly called for. It is demanded by the CONSTITUTION!

If as a Nation, we do not stand up and demand IMPEACHMENT of GW Bush, and his entire criminal cartel then we will be supporting them until they drop over from natural causes.

What have they done to deserve our continued support for the next 20 or more years?

Well gee whiz, they got us into an illegal war didn't they?

They deregulated the banking industry and drove the country to the brink of bankruptcy didn't they?

They've supported the insurance, and pharmaceutical companies to the point that only they can get medical insurance haven't they?

Oh yeah, they've supported the oil industries to the point that we can't afford to heat our houses this winter too!

Those few things must be enough to earn our support in their retirement shouldn't they?

If by any chance; this Country came to it's senses, and voted Democratic across the board, then it's up to us; WE THE PEOPLE to demand IMPEACHMENT NOW!

Politicians must be shown that THE PEOPLE will not put up with thieves, lies, and despots any longer, and that we will be watching what they are doing, and will take the necessary steps to police our politicians...

If America continued it's masochistic tendencies, and voted in another Republican and his Wolf killing partner, then GOD HELP US; BECAUSE WE'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO HELP OURSELVES, AND WE'RE DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS!




Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bush wants to screw you again before leaving office

yesterday that the Bush administration "is moving to adopt rules that would loosen pollution controls on power plants" allowing them to increase emissions without adding controls." One person familiar with the Environmental Protection Agency's internal deliberations said that "work on the rule has sped up noticeably in recent weeks." However, McClatchy reports that some EPA officials are arguing against the rule change because the rule would allow more power plants to be built near national parks and wilderness areas. The rule change, which was sought by power companies, will judge the plants "on their hourly rate of emissions rather than their total annual output" and will "make it easier for older power plants to extend their life span and upgrade without installing costly new equipment." As the Journal noted, "As long as a power plant's hourly emissions stay at or below the plant's historical maximum, the plant would be treated as if it were running more cleanly, even if its total annual emissions increased as plant operators stepped up operations." The proposed rules were originally part of Vice President Cheney's 2001 energy plan.

There are more than a few things that bush will be remembered for, and none of them are stellar.

  • 1. Taking the USA from budget surplus to massive budget deficiet.

  • 2. Destruction of the environment, and putting more animals at the brink of extinction than any previous human has done.

  • 3. Involving the USA in an illegal imoral war.

  • 4. Treading on, and Trashing the Constitution of the United States.

  • 5. Spying on the Citizens of the United States with out warrants.

  • 6. And the list goes on, and on, and the one most remembered.


  • http://itsourfranchise.com/webmy233.htm



    The Worlds view on the US Elections

    This is how the world views the USA'S up coming election outcome. Is it possible that being outside the loop, and not caught up in the political hackerey that the US citizens are, that the world has a clearer outlook on the candidates and their possible misadventures towards the rest of the World? This is how they would vote given the opportunity to help select, and hire the next President of the USA.

    THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD if Sarah Palin were elected, and the Presidents job fell to her.

    This is the most scary scene imagineable.



    Monday, October 27, 2008

    vote NO on 8

    While the matter of a persons sexual orientation has little interest or bearing on me, the rights of each human has...

    I believe that everone has the right to be happy, and to choose their life partner according to their own beliefs.

    No one has the right to tell me that my life partner must be either a male, or a female. I have however chosen a female partner.

    Because of my choice, I fall within the majority of the human population in that I have chosen someone of the opposit sex to be my partner.

    This gives me and my partner certain legal rights.

    Those rights would be restricted had I chosen someone of the same gender as my partner; as have many other humans.

    What gives me, or you for that matter the right to choose a gender partner for someone else?

    What gives me, or you the right to forbid legal rights to another huiman being?

    When I pass on, my partner will inherit every thing I own if I so choose in my will; and If I don't leave a will, she will have first choice after the state gets done taking their cut.

    That isn't the case for someone who has chosen a partner of the same gender.

    I can list my partner as a partner on my medical insurance; which those that have chosen same gender partners can not do, why?

    Let's carry this a step further.

    Why don't we restrict peoples choice in the pets which they can own?

    Let's say that men can only own dogs.

    Women can only own cats.

    Now, how many of you men really prefer cats to dogs? How many women prefer dogs?

    So if a man decides to go against this ruling and own a cat, he looses his rights to take that animal to a vetrinarian when the animal is in need because he is not allowed to own a cat; simply because others have decided this for him. So in order to get treatment for his pet cat, he must disavow an ownership relationship with this loved cat.

    And of course the same would apply to a women with her much loved dog...

    Pretty silly law isn't it?

    So would the passage of '8' be a silly law.

    A much higher authority than man gave us the 'right to free will', why should we try to take this right away from our fellow man?

    Even if somehow this proposition becomes law, it's not going to make any difference in the choices people make for life partners, so we may as well accept that this is going to happen, and allow them the legal rights a life partnership gives to those that chose opposite gender mates.




    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    McCain's economic policy chief

    Subject: $2

    Young Chuck moved to Montana and bought a horse from a
    farmer for $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse
    the next day.

    The next day, he drove up and said, 'Sorry, son, but I have some bad news. The horse died. '

    Chuck replied, 'Well, then, just give me my money back.'

    The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.'

    Chuck said, 'Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.'

    The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?'

    Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.'

    The farmer said, 'You can't raffle off a dead horse!'

    Chuck said, 'Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'

    A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked,

    'What happened with that dead horse?'

    Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a
    piece and made a net profit of $998.00.'

    The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?'

    Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his
    two dollars back.'

    Chuck grew up and now works for McPalin as their Cheif Economic Advisor selling dead horse economics to unwary gullible voters.

    You know who they are, they're the ones with yard signs saying vote McPalin for no change in economic policy!!




    Friday, October 24, 2008

    McCain plans to redistribute wealth

    Reported in todays issue of the 'PROGRESS REPORT'

    MCCAIN WOULD DOUBLE DOWN: McCain claims that "in this country, we believe in spreading opportunity." But his Bush-like economic policies would only further America 's income inequality.

    In fact, by extending Bush's tax cuts to the wealthy and proposing $175 billion in tax breaks to America's largest corporations, McCain's regressive economic agenda would redistribute wealth to the richest Americans during a period of stagnating wages and growing economic anxiety.

    The bottom 60 percent of taxpayers would see only 12 percent of the benefit from McCain's plan to extend Bush's tax cuts, while over 100 million middle class households would receive nothing from McCain's proposal.

    Moreover, even though corporate profits increased by an estimated 66 percent between 2000 and 2006, McCain's plan to slash the corporate tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent would give even more benefits to America's richest corporations.

    According to a Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis of McCain's plan, the 200 largest companies stand to gain $45 billion a year from McCain's proposal.

    Highly profitable industries like energy companies and merchandising and retailing companies would receive billions from additional tax breaks.


    If Palin's stand on the Environment, and wildlife wern't bad enough, McCain can't even seem to keep his lies in order. Their 'Roveing' tactics to push their agenda down our throats shows where the truth lies.

    We've seen their kind of Politics enough in the last 8 miserable years under the quasi dictator bush, and we don't need, nor can we survive 4 more years of the same! Vote for anyone, but don't vote for McPalin!



    Congressman Robert Wexler Needs our support

    We stand on the precipice of genuine and profound change in America. I have no doubt that this election will be the final verdict on the outrageous tenure of a Bush administration that has trashed our Constitution and trampled our liberties like no previous White House.

    You will notice I don't mince words when I discuss this appalling Administration. You have known me as one of the few voices in Congress to stand up to Bush and Cheney and call for their impeachment. Others – in the far right wing - have noticed as well and now I am only days away from my most difficult reelection effort ever.

    Please click here to help make sure I return to the House of Representatives.

    Please click here to watch this web video

    I am waging an aggressive media campaign against two millionaire opponents who have singled me out for my calls for impeachment and accountability. My largest local paper has also ridiculed my efforts at genuine accountability for Bush/Cheney. As you likely saw, I was also repeatedly singled out by right wing television in an effort to silence me and cause my defeat.

    As you know too well, I never give up without a fight. I will win re-election and it will be you I can thank – and your agenda I take back to Congress.

    I need your help today to both return me to Washington to continue a fight for accountability, and to send a message to the mainstream media, the far right wing, and those lackluster Democrats that we must push for accountability for Bush no matter what - whether he sits in 1600 Pennsylvania or as a private citizen in Crawford, Texas.

    Click here to keep me as your advocate for another two years in Congress.

    This election cycle has not been easy. My wealthy, self-funded opponents have come after me with everything they've got. In all candor, it has taken quite a toll.

    Through it all, whether through contributions or encouragement, you have defended me. From the Florida Keys to Alaska, to soldiers overseas, stay at home mothers and fathers, teachers and engineers, and students and nurses, your support has kept me in the game – keeping my campaign in a position to both fight back and address the issues you care about.

    So many of you have generously donated to my campaign. Some of you have sent me notes, telling me how you're on fixed incomes, or out of work, but were contributing what you could. I want you to know that don't take such sacrifices lightly.

    But know this: small donations are making a huge difference to our campaign.
    If you're in a position to contribute one last time, please click here.

    I am committed to our fight. With your help, and a bright, thoughtful new President named Barack Obama, I believe we will return a sense of hope and promise to America.

    Thank you so much for your past and present support. I look forward to writing you in a few days with an update.

    Your friend,



    Paid for by "Wexler for Congress"



    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Palin challenged on environment

    This isn't new news, but if you missed it you should read it now!

    Palin challenged on environment
    DRILLING: Polar bear lawsuit and ANWR waved like red flags.

    McClatchy Newspapers

    Published: August 30th, 2008 02:06 AM
    Last Modified: August 30th, 2008 03:33 AM

    WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain's choice of a running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, favors drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, questioned the science behind predictions of sea ice loss linked to global warming and opposed a state initiative that would have banned metal mines from discharging pollution into salmon streams.

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    The Alaska governor has said that she has tried to persuade McCain to agree with her on drilling in the wildlife refuge. She also has said that she was happy that he changed his position over the summer and now supports offshore oil drilling.

    In oil-rich Alaska, many residents support Arctic Refuge drilling.

    Palin's environmental views could get more of an airing now that she has landed on the national stage. A look at some recent developments and her record so far in Alaska provide some insights into her thinking about climate change and other issues.

    Earlier this month, the state of Alaska under Palin's guidance sued Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne in an attempt to reverse his decision to list polar bears as a threatened species. Palin said that scientists' predictions that global warming will eliminate the ice where the bears live in summer were unreliable.

    Arctic sea ice shrank to a record low by the end of last summer, and satellites now show that the ice has been reduced to a level very close to last year's with some days remaining before a new winter season begins.


    The Anchorage Daily News reported in May that the head of the marine mammals program for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and two other marine mammal biologists on his staff agreed with nine studies the federal government cited to justify listing polar bears as a threatened species.

    Their e-mail appeared to contradict Palin's assertions that state wildlife officials had found no reason to list the bears as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Palin wrote in January that she based her opposition to listing the bears on "a comprehensive review by state wildlife officials of scientific information from a broad range of climate, ice and polar bear experts."

    Palin created a commission to plan for how the state will try to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and plan to adapt to warming, but she hasn't set any emission reduction goals for Alaska.

    "It's like asking somebody to construct a stadium without giving them a blueprint," said Kate Troll, the director of Alaska Conservation Voters.

    Recently, Palin publicly said she would vote no on a state initiative that said no large metal mines would be permitted to pollute streams where salmon spawn. The initiative was aimed at the Pebble mine near Bristol Bay, a major fishery. Voters defeated it on Tuesday.

    Palin hasn't made a definitive statement about the mine, but the initiative was targeted at it.

    Troll said Palin has been a supporter of state funding for renewable energy initiatives, but has a "failing record" on wildlife.

    She also said the governor supports hunting wolves and bears from the air to reduce predation on moose and differs with environmentalists on a number of wildlife issues.

    The League of Conservation Voters, an advocacy group that backs pro-environment candidates, said it was disappointed with McCain's choice.

    "Unfortunately, with her support for drilling in the Arctic Refuge and off our coasts, Governor Palin will simply continue the failed policies of the Bush-Cheney administration and their Big Oil friends -- policies that could make us even more dependent on foreign oil,"

    League of Conservation Voters president Gene Karpinski said in a statement.


    Monday, October 20, 2008

    There is no statute of limitations on Impeachment

    I just sent a personal message to all my representatives in Congress, I hope you will join me!


    I signed "Impeach Bush for the Iraq War"

    I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:

    1) The Offense of Lying and Inducing America to Support a War
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney intentionally misled the Congress and the American people regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war against Iraq, and intentionally conspired with others to defraud the United States in connection with the war against Iraq in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371.

    2) The Offense of Reckless Indifference to the Lives and Welfare of American Troops
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney failed to provide US soldiers with bulletproof vests or appropriately-armored vehicles and had no serious plan for the aftermath of the war, thus demonstrating a complete disregard for the welfare of the troops and the need for proper governance of a country after occupation. The result has been a never-ending war that will cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 trillion with over 3,000 U.S. soldiers killed and over 21,000 wounded.

    3) The Offense of Torture in Violation of U.S. Laws and Treaties
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney conspired to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the "Federal Torture Act," Title 18 United States Code, Section 113C, the UN Torture Convention and the Geneva Convention.

    4) The Offense of Wiretapping Surveillance in Defiance of the Law
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of American civilians without seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, in violation of Title 50 United States Code, Section 1805.

    These provisions are detailed in "The Impeachment of George W. Bush: A Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens," by former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman.


    Help Cindy Sheehan Defeat Pelosi for Congress

    Help Cindy Sheehan Run This Ad In The San Francisco Chronicle To
    Defeat Pelosi

    Maybe not a tree exactly, but to see a picture of Pelosi kissing up
    to Bush, as she prepares to cave in yet again, should help to get the
    people of San Francisco motivated to vote for her mandatory
    replacement, Cindy Sheehan. And that is the precise picture you can
    help run as a full 1/4 page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle this
    weekend. You can see the ad on this page:

    Chronicle Ad Action Page:

    If the Democrats win other additional seats, it won't be because of
    any actual leadership on their side. It is only because the economy
    is collapsing around the ears of the White House that we even see
    Democrats starting to pull ahead in the general election. And if
    other Democrats do win, the last person who deserves credit for any
    of this is Nancy Pelosi, whose gutless cowardice and complicity have
    foisted one hideous outrage after another on the American people, the
    last an ill-conceived and profligate bailout, opposed more than 100
    to 1 by actual Congressional message counts.

    Please consider these facts. The same Wall Street investment bankers
    who got our economy into this disaster are STILL going to walk away
    with 70 billion in bonuses this year, a full ten percent of the
    bailout from us, the taxpayers. Secretary of the Treasury Paulson is
    not demanding they cough it all back up, as a condition of government
    help. And why should he? He's one of THEM!!

    Moreover, as noted by now Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman,
    it was the Brits who demonstrated real leader and policy wisdom,
    after two weeks squandered on the original doomed bailout plan on
    this side of the pond, by stepping into the breach and taking control
    of their own banks, akin to the Swedish model that worked so well in
    a similar prior crisis in that country. But for Paulson's part, he is
    not imposing any requirements on the banks as to how they will use
    these hundreds of billions of dollars, or even that they will make
    more loans available or even getting a fair market deal for the
    people's money.

    And it is all Pelosi's fault. It was the height of fawning credulity
    to give the White House nearly a trillion dollars to blow without a
    real thought out and sound plan, and without strings the size of
    marine ropes to maintain oversight and control. What a dismal failure
    of leadership!

    And that is why Pelosi must be removed from office and defeated by
    Cindy Sheehan. If you can make a donation to help run this ad, please
    consider doing so.

    Chronicle Ad Action Page:

    If not, Cindy would love to have your help phone banking from any
    part of the country, and there is a link on this same page above to
    volunteer for that. And always remember, the most important
    contribution is to keep speaking out, and to encourage everyone else
    you know to do the same.

    This is our only real chance for the next two years. Nothing would
    send a stronger message that the voice of the people actually COUNTS
    for something that a resounding victory for Cindy Sheehan in the
    Congressional race for the 8th district of California against Nancy
    Pelosi in just 2 weeks. NOTHING would send a stronger message to the
    gutless wimps in Congress that their reign of cowardice is over.

    Paid for by Cindy Sheehan for Congress

    Donations to Cindy Sheehan for Congress are not tax-deductible

    Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
    to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

    If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

    Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2008, Patent pending,
    All rights reserved


    Friday, October 17, 2008

    McCain lies are again over the top

    October 17, 2008

    I'm not going to sit idly by while good people are thrown under the bus ... especially if that bus is John McCain's "Straight Talk Express." And I am not -- I repeat, NOT -- going to let the Right steal another election by demonizing community organizers while doing all they can to disenfranchise voters.

    That's why People For the American Way is not taking the attacks on ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) lying down, and we're not going to let the Right's latest distraction work. We're taking out a full page ad in the New York Times to tell the truth about ACORN, the myth of "widespread voter fraud" and the actual voter suppression being perpetrated by the Right. Check out the ad and find out what you can do to help with these efforts at www.PFAW.org/ACORN.

    ACORN has tirelessly worked to uplift the less fortunate and advocated for improved housing, a fair and living wage, and yes, continues to fight to give a voice to the underserved by promoting civic engagement and voter empowerment. John McCain used to know that but he seems to have forgotten.

    During Wednesday's presidential debate, McCain was again over the top, saying ACORN "may be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy." No, Senator McCain, the fraud is GOP attempts to challenge the registrations of eligible voters who are on the verge of losing their homes to foreclosure ... the fraud is right-wing efforts to purge thousands of eligible voters from the voter rolls ... the fraud is the long history of your party's attempts to resurrect Jim Crow.

    Let's set the record straight. ACORN plays by the rules, but they register voters the Right would rather exclude, so they are a perfect target in the ongoing effort to stoke paranoia over so-called "widespread voter fraud" (a proven myth). Out of the 13,000 field workers ACORN hired in its drive to register 1.3 million voters, a small fraction submitted inappropriate registration cards. In most cases, ACORN was required by law to submit these incorrect forms, along with the valid forms, to election officials, and in most cases, the incorrect forms had been flagged for officials by ACORN as problematic. But bad registration forms don't add up to "voter fraud."

    The Bush administration has spent a good deal of time on fishing expeditions to find problems with groups like ACORN that register voters. In fact, they fired US Attorneys for refusing to participate in this partisan witch hunt.

    Using "voter fraud" to distract from real voter suppression is nothing new. But it's still extremely troubling that the McCain-Palin campaign has decided to put party before country and not denounce the GOP's attempts to squash voter participation. I don't think the American people are buying any of this. But even if scapegoating ACORN doesn't work, the Right will have won if they are successful in getting people to look the other way on the real voter suppression in which they are aggressively engaged.

    It's up to us to make sure the distraction doesn't work.

    All the best,

    Kathryn Kolbert, President

    People For the American Way depends on the support of its members. Help make sure America lives up to the promise of freedom and equality for all by funding the work of People For with a gift today.

    People For the American Way 2008
    2000 M Street, NW Suite 400
    Washington, DC 20036

