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Saturday, October 31, 2009


The years 2000 through 2008 —

the two presidential terms served by George W. Bush — amount to what might be called the Dark Ages for endangered species across the country.

This administration was hands-down the worst in history for listing species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, with only 61 species earning federal protection throughout the entire eight years — compared to 522 under the Clinton administration and 231 under Bush 41. Besides dragging its feet on responding to listing petitions, fighting stubbornly against protecting species in court, and constantly using the “candidate list” to put off protections indefinitely for fast-fading plants and animals, the Bush administration regularly stooped to corrupt tactics that let politics dictate endangered species decisions to put industry interests over conservation. Even for species that did earn Endangered Species Act status under Bush, true protections weren’t guaranteed — take the polar bear for example, which was robbed of protections from global warming by a special "4(d)" rule finalized in late 2008. And in case all that wasn’t enough to ensure Bush’s eco-infamy for ages,

just before he left office he finalized changes gutting the rules that have made the Endangered Species Act successful for 35 years.

Thankfully, current Interior Secretary Ken Salazar rescinded the rules eviscerating the Act — but he retained the 4(d) rule, which would doom the polar bear to extinction.

Needless to say, the Center was very busy throughout George W. Bush’s regrettable presidency,

not only with lawsuits for individual species but also leading the way in exposing the administration’s bad actions to the media and policymakers and pushing the drive to reform.

Unfortunately, the mess Bush made of our planet and wildlife-protection laws is a big one, and we’re still cleaning it up.

**Read the rest of the article here




Over Population an Environmental Crisis!

Apocalypse Soon: Halloween Interview on Overpopulation with Kierán Suckling

Scared of ghosts, goblins, and jack-o-lanterns? None of those are on the Santa Fe Reporter's list of the top five environmental horrors. But human overpopulation is. "Apocalypse Soon: Today's Environmental Horrors Could Lead to a Scary Sci-Fi Future" interviews Center for Biological Diversity director Kierán Suckling. Click below to read the whole article. Here are few excerpts:

"Virtually everything that is destroying wildlife habitat and the environment is driven by overpopulation," Kierán Suckling, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity, says.

"Whether it's too many people diverting water out of the Rio Grande or too much wood use leading to the logging of old-growth forests…the bottom line is there are too many people using too many resources to be able to have a healthy environment."

"It's great to focus on reducing our carbon footprint, but...unless we start reducing the footprints to begin with, we and other species are not going to survive on this planet."

"The majority of environmental groups avoid addressing overpopulation like the plague…I think that's largely because they lack the courage of their convictions… they are fearful that in saying that [we are overpopulated] they will be viewed as being anti-human somehow--as if squalor and overpopulation is somehow pro-human."

Read the Santa Fe Reporter interview and learn what the Center's doing to confront the overpopulation crisis head-on.




Friday, October 23, 2009

55 Republicans Members of Congress getting the public option

Press Releases

NEWS: New Weiner Study Shows 151 Members of House and Senate Get the “Public Option” Now
Weiner Calls on GOP Opponents of the Public Option to Give Up Their Medicare

WASHINGTON, DC—A new study by Representative Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn), member of the Health Subcommittee and Co-Chair of the Caucus on the Middle Class, revealed that 151 members of the House and Senate currently receive government-funded; government-administered single-payer health care - Medicare. {H.R.676 is a medicare supported single payer public option health care bill}

On the list of recipients are 55 Republicans who have steadfastly opposed other Americans getting the public option, like the one they have chosen.

Weiner said, “Even in a town known for hypocrisy, this list of 55 Members of Congress deserve some sort of prize. They apparently think the public option is ok for them, but not anyone else.”

The list of congressional recipients of Medicare who also oppose the public option is below:

Rep. Ralph M. Hall
Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett
Rep. Sam Johnson
Rep. C.W. Bill Young
Rep. Howard Coble
Sen. Jim Bunning
Sen. Richard G. Lugar
Rep. Don Young
Sen. Charles E. Grassley
Sen. Robert F. Bennett
Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch
Sen. Richard C. Shelby
Rep. Jerry Lewis
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Rep. Ron Paul
Rep. Henry E. Brown
Sen. Pat Roberts
Sen. George V. Voinovich
Sen. John McCain
Rep. Judy Biggert
Sen. Thad Cochran
Rep. Harold Rogers
Rep. Dan Burton
Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
Rep. Frank R. Wolf
Sen. Christopher S. Bond
Rep. Michael N. Castle
Rep. Joe Pitts
Rep. Tom Petri
Sen. Lamar Alexander
Rep. Doc Hastings
Rep. Cliff Stearns
Rep. Sue Myrick
Rep. John Carter
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Sen. Jon Kyl
Rep. Phil Gingrey
Rep. Nathan Deal
Rep. John Linder
Rep. Kay Granger
Rep. John L. Mica
Rep. Walter B. Jones
Sen. Jim Risch
Rep. Ed Whitfield
Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner
Rep. Virginia Foxx
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Sen. Michael B. Enzi
Rep. Elton Gallegly
Rep. Donald Manzullo
Rep. Peter T. King
Rep. Ander Crenshaw

If your elected representative is here, call them and ask why if it's good enough for them, it's not good enough for you! Tell them to approve H.R.676 NOW!

Pat Roberts I'm calling you out on this, you're my Senator, Why is it good enough for you, and not for my family?




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Friday, October 16, 2009

This is an open letter to all elected representatives about Health Care Reform!

Think about this!

When you let an insurance lobbyist donate to you to vote against health care reform, the money they are giving you is money that you gave them earlier this year when you bailed them out of all their financial wrong doings.

It's not costing them one thin cent to spend money lobbying against health care reform.

Health Care Reform that may if you are doing your job for the people that elected you; cost them money in lost insurance premiums.

Insurance premiums which they keep hiking the rates on; so that ordinary working people who didn't get a Government bailout can't afford to own health care insurance.

Insurance Companies can afford to give huge bonus checks to their top executives based on the bail out money Your generosity already gave them... and you could be giving them even more if you don't vote to reform health care and eliminate the insurance industry from health care.

Give us H.R.676 it's the only plan that helps "The People", and not the insurance industries...

Do something for "The People", not just the deep pockets that are parked in
your offices.

Besides, how are we going to be able to afford insurance premiums when we
don't have jobs?

If you were really working for The People You'd vote in huge tax levys on Corporations that receive money from business' that they have moved off shore; eliminating American Jobs!

I guess if we're on welfare, then we'll get free
medical won't we?...

If you agree with this open letter, then now is the time to act!

Send it on to all of your elected representatives, and don't forget the President!

Click here to connect to Congress.org and send it to your representatives, and the President!

Here is H.R.676 you
should read it as it was written
then you'll see what a good bill it is, and
how much it really is a bill that will Reform Health Care, and help "The People"
Not the insurance industry! "We The People" can force our elected representatives to give us this health care reform if enough of us will act NOW!

And because the Government thinks that we are not
smart enough to know that when we click on a link &
it takes us to a site where we may be inclined to
make a purchase; All Advertising links on this
blog are paid endorsements!

There that takes care of the FTC.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Support H.R. 676 single payer health care.

As the vote on health care reform works its way through Congress, the insurance industry is doing its best to weaken already too weak bills. In fact, the bills Congress is considering will give the insurance industry hundreds of billions in new annual revenue by forcing Americans to buy their overpriced insurance. But, even with this massive giveaway the insurance industry is twisting the screws to squeeze every bit of profit out of "reform," consistently putting profits before patients.

Prosperity Agenda has been urging a different approach, the most popular reform among Americans, a single payer national health care system - improved Medicare for all. We've protested in Congress, written letters, emails, faxes and called. We are not giving up. Our Mobilization for Health Care is going national in two days and is already catching fire.

When we launched the campaign we sought 100 people willing to risk arrest in protests of the insurance industry, already 700 have signed up. We hoped for 3 to 4 cities by this stage, now "Patients Not Profit" sit-ins will be happening in at least 9 cities across the country this Thursday! There is a hunger in America for a vision like this. The incredible response of people has left no doubt - people want to end insurance company abuse. Click here for the list of cities where mobilizations will occur on Thursday, and there will be even more on the next day of action, October 28th (coincidentally, my birthday!). If you have not signed up to participate, please visit www.MobilizeForHealthCare.org and do so now.

The Congressional leadership took single payer off the table, but we pushed and now we have two important single payer votes before the full House of Representatives. First, this week Rep. Anthony Weiner will be introducing an amendment on the House Floor to replace the current bill with a single payer system. Second, Rep. Dennis Kucinich's amendment, making it easier for state's to pass single payer, will also be voted on in the House. Please click here to write your representative to urge support for both these amendments and urge the House to not force people to buy overpriced insurance.

We do not expect the Weiner Amendment to pass - there have been no hearings and little public discussion - but it is important that this vote receive as high a vote total as possible. Similarly, the Kucinich Amendment faces a challenge to pass with the insurance corporations working hard to defeat it. But, both of these historic, first-ever votes on single payer health care give us a chance to see who our allies in Congress are and who are our opponents. Push now. Contact your representative to support these amendments and oppose the requirement forcing Americans to buy overpriced private insurance.

Congress has demonstrated that the multi-payer, private health system cannot work. The plans pushed by President Obama and the congressional leadership will leave tens of millions without health care and not control costs. In fact, the insurance industry issued a report this week that said insurance costs will rise by 111% by 2019 under the reform bill to $25,900 for the average family and $9,700 for the average individual.

Since Congress failed to solve America's health problem, we are also working at the state level. Several states are near passage of single payer systems. When Canada created its national health system it first passed in one province. After it worked there it became national policy. There's a bi-partisan bill working its way through the Pennsylvania legislature right now, and Prosperity Agenda is already working to help pass it. Join me on October 20 in Pennsylvania's capitol rotunda in Harrisburg for the Healthcare4allPA Rally. We're urging everyone in surrounding states to attend so Pennsylvania can create a model for the rest of the country to follow.

Other states - California, Illinois, Massachusetts and Ohio - are also close to passage of a single payer system that rids the nation of the scourge of private insurance.

This year has seen tremendous growth in the vitality of the Medicare for All movement. On October 15th the Mobilization for Health Care will demonstrate a new political force in the American landscape - Americans fed up with the real death panels, the insurance industry who are seeking to end their abuse once and for all. Join us in seeking a health care system that guarantees the right to health care for all. The status quo cannot continue, and current reform proposals simply will not solve the problem. Sign up to join us on the national days of action this Thursday and on October 28th.
Thank you to all who have donated so far - we could not do this without you! If you can make a donation to help build this campaign, please donate now.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Prosperity Agenda




And because the Government thinks that we are not smart enough to know that when we click on a link & it takes us to a site where we may be inclined to make a purchase; All Advertising links on this blog are a paid edorsement! There that takes care of the FCC.