Tell your Reps We need economic stimulus and jobs
Tell your Reps We need economic stimulus and jobs
Tell them we're sick of Politics as usual and are ready to give the boot to the whole lot of you!
We need economic stimulus and jobs
Now that the Deficit Commission did not receive enough votes to be
considered by Congress, please move toward a real plan to expand the economy and reduce the deficit.
The economy is continuing to falter, with unemployment rising to
9.8% and inadequate signs of an economic recovery. In fact, as the
Washington Post describes the jobs report as “ugly”saying: “The economy
created 39,000 jobs in November -- about 160,000 fewer than it'd need to begin cutting into unemployment, and about 100,000 less than it'd need to just keep up with population growth.”
The need for economic stimulus and jobs creation is so evident
that even the usually deficit concerned Federal Reserve is urging stimulus and
not deficit reduction. As Dean Baker points out, job creation is
the first priority, writing: “If the unemployment rate were at its pre-recession
level of 4.5 percent, we would have, at most, a modest deficit.” This economic
collapse was caused by the housing bubble bursting. Sadly, that continues
with rising foreclosures continuing to weaken the housing market.
The real way to deal with the deficit is to re-ignite the economy
and tax those who profited from past policies that favored the wealthiest
1. Focus on creating jobs through infrastructure spending, supporting state and local governments and transitioning to a new clean energy economy that creates green jobs, efficient jobs-producing mass transit and a carbon-free, nuclear-free energy economy.
Levy fines to American
Corporations that outsource their business and do away with American Jobs. Fine them in proportion to the number of jobs lost so that outsourcing is not a viable monetary solution to their bottom line.
2. Stabilize the housing market by requiring banks to
rewrite mortgages at lower interest rates and based on the real economic value
of homes.
Jail the bankers, and insurance exec's that brought down our economy in the first place instead of giving them bail-out money so they can pad their bonus checks for a job badly
3. Face up to health care costs. The U.S. is spending more than twice as much as other countries per person on health care, expanding and improving Medicare so it is available to all Americans is the only real reform that will control costs and provide health care to all.
We all pay into Medicare with each paycheck we earn, let us benefit from the payments we're
Outlaw commercials
directed at the consumers for pharmaceuticals, & the cost to manufacture them will come down.
We're not Dr.'s and shouldn't be self diagnosing our selves, or suggesting drugs to our
Dr.'s that's their job.
Renovate the buildings
and facilities of the existing VA hospital campus' and open the doors to more medical practitioners; charge them a fee for use of the facilities and open them to the public for care; instead of letting them fall down from disrepair, and building new hospitals, and Dr. Buildings.
The VA campus in Leavenworth KS. has at least 20 buildings that are in disrepair, and could be renovated and put to use. Providing work for the construction industry in the area, and more and better health care for the population.
4. Cut the military budget dramatically.
Weapons and war now make up more than half of U.S. discretionary spending. For years the U.S. has spent as much as the rest of the world combined on the military. It is time to end the current wars and close many of the more than 700 bases the U.S. has overseas.
We are not the Worlds Police
Force, nor should we be!
A sustainable economic policy is not possible so long as the
military dominates the budget.
We're sick of sending our kids off to fight your wars that mean absolutely nothing to us at home. It's time to get out of the war business...
5. Tax wealth instruments – stocks, bonds and derivatives – with a micro tax of less than 1% which will raise more money than the income tax on the first $100,000 in income on all Americans.
6. Re-institute the tax rate on wealthy Americans, the top 2% of income earners in the U.S. population.
They've been standing up in mass telling you to tax them, DO IT!
Quit playing politics as usual across the isle. Do something for the "people" not just the lobby groups that add to your pocket books. We're sick of the lot of you, and feel that if you can't or won't do your job, then it's time to replace you all.
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