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Monday, December 6, 2010

Tell your Reps We need economic stimulus and jobs

Tell your Reps We need economic stimulus and jobs

Tell your Reps We need economic stimulus and jobs

Tell them we're sick of Politics as usual and are ready to give the boot to the whole lot of you!


We need economic stimulus and jobs

Now that the Deficit Commission did not receive enough votes to be
considered by Congress, please move toward a real plan to expand the economy and reduce the deficit.

The economy is continuing to falter, with unemployment rising to
9.8% and inadequate signs of an economic recovery.  In fact, as the
Washington Post describes the jobs report as “ugly”saying:  “The economy
created 39,000 jobs in November -- about 160,000 fewer than it'd need to begin cutting into unemployment, and about 100,000 less than it'd need to just keep up with population growth.”

The need for economic stimulus and jobs creation is so evident
that even the usually deficit concerned Federal Reserve is urging stimulus and
not deficit reduction.  As Dean Baker points out, job creation is
the first priority, writing: “If the unemployment rate were at its pre-recession
level of 4.5 percent, we would have, at most, a modest deficit.” This economic
collapse was caused by the housing bubble bursting.  Sadly, that continues
with rising foreclosures continuing to weaken the housing market.

The real way to deal with the deficit is to re-ignite the economy
and tax those who profited from past policies that favored the wealthiest

   1. Focus on creating jobs through infrastructure spending, supporting state and local governments and transitioning to a new clean energy economy that creates green jobs, efficient jobs-producing mass transit and a carbon-free, nuclear-free energy economy.

Levy fines to American
Corporations that outsource their business and do away with American Jobs. Fine them in proportion to the number of jobs lost so that outsourcing is not a viable monetary solution to their bottom line.

   2. Stabilize the housing market by requiring banks to
rewrite mortgages at lower interest rates and based on the real economic value
of homes. 

Jail the bankers, and insurance exec's that brought down our economy in the first place instead of giving them bail-out money so they can pad their bonus checks for  a job badly

   3. Face up to health care costs.  The U.S. is spending more than twice as much as other countries per person on health care, expanding and improving Medicare so it is available to all Americans is the only real reform that will control costs and provide health care to all. 

We all pay into Medicare with each paycheck we earn, let us benefit from the payments we're

Outlaw commercials
directed at the consumers for pharmaceuticals, & the cost to manufacture them will come down.


We're not Dr.'s and shouldn't be self diagnosing our selves, or suggesting drugs to our
Dr.'s that's their job.

Renovate the buildings
and facilities of the existing VA hospital campus' and open the doors to more medical practitioners; charge them a fee for use of the facilities and open them to the public for care; instead of letting them fall down from disrepair, and building new hospitals, and Dr. Buildings.

The VA campus in Leavenworth KS. has at least 20 buildings that are in disrepair, and could be renovated and put to use.  Providing work for the construction industry in the area, and more and better health care for the population.  

   4. Cut the military budget dramatically. 
Weapons and war now make up more than half of U.S. discretionary spending. For years the U.S. has spent as much as the rest of the world combined on the military. It is time to end the current wars and close many of the more than 700 bases the U.S. has overseas.

We are not the Worlds Police
Force, nor should we be!

A sustainable economic policy is not possible so long as the
military dominates the budget. 

We're sick of sending our kids off to fight your wars that mean absolutely nothing to us at home. It's time to get out of the war business...

   5. Tax wealth instruments – stocks, bonds and derivatives – with a micro tax of less than 1% which will raise more money than the income tax on the first $100,000 in income on all Americans.

   6. Re-institute the tax rate on wealthy Americans, the top 2% of income earners in the U.S. population. 

They've been standing up in mass telling you to tax them, DO IT!

Quit playing politics as usual across the isle. Do something for the "people" not just the lobby groups that add to your pocket books.  We're sick of the lot of you, and feel that if you can't or won't do your job, then it's time to replace you all.


Monday, October 25, 2010

What happened to the Republican party!

“So, tell me about the history of the amendment

again. I’m too young to remember.”

“Well, it all started with the hog flu, which

killed off an enormous percentage of the

population. Seems it reacted to the chemicals

released in the body of those who are habitual


“And that’s what wiped out the Republican party?”

“Well, they didn’t have any candidates left to run

for office. Then there was the deer-antler flu,

so-named because some hunter from the Midwest

contracted it from a deer antler. A white stag,

actually. Very Arthurian, somehow.”

“That was the one that hit people with a low IQ?”

“Not exactly. It attacked those who were not using

their brains, independent of mental capacity. That

took care of anybody who would have even thought of

voting Republican. On further investigation,

scientists discovered that thoughtfulness leads to

consideration for others, resulting in an

alteration of body chemistry which was completely

lacking in Republicans. But by then it was too


“The following year, the Libertarian Party won a

landslide victory, and we were able to end all wars

on the planet, completely end starvation, hunger,

and poverty everywhere on the planet, demolish the

nuclear arms stockpiles, eliminate pesticide use,

eliminate greenhouse emissions, cease entirely the

use of petroleum products by massive conservation

and converting to a largely solar-based fuel

economy, properly fund all schools, including

programs in art, music, sculpture, and dance, save

all the remaining rain forests, end all whaling and

overfishing, and basically bringing about basic

peace and contentment planet-wide while ceasing all

forms of environmental destruction.”

Authored by Vivian Darkbloom

Monday, October 18, 2010

TurnOffFox campaign

Dear friends,

Many of us already know that Fox News is biased -- but it's actually much worse than that. For years they have used lies, distortions, and race-baiting to divide this country. Recently, it's gotten downright dangerous. Earlier this summer, a heavily armed man got into a gun fight with police after he was pulled over on his way to kill people at two non-profit organizations[1] -- and now, in an interview from jail, he's said that Glenn Beck was a big part of his inspiration.[2]

Fox News is bad news for America -- and it spreads, and is legitimized, partly through TVs in public places.

That's why I've joined the TurnOffFox campaign -- the first part of a larger campaign to diminish the influence of Fox. It's about educating people about Fox and getting it turned off in stores, restaurants, and other public places.

Will you join me? It takes just a moment to declare your own household "Fox free", and at the same time appeal to public establishments in your community to stop playing Fox. And you'll get a FREE Turn Off Fox sticker when you do. Click here:


No other news organization that's considered legitimate consistently wages smear campaigns based on lies and race-baiting. But for years Fox News has done exactly that, and the pattern has only gotten worse since Barack Obama entered national politics.

Here are just a few examples:

-- A frequent Fox guest, Jesse Lee Peterson, said that the majority of Black people have poor moral character, and cited "what they did to the dome" after Hurricane Katrina as evidence.[3] Peterson has also used his platform on Fox to claim that 90% of Black people are racists -- against Whites.[4]

-- In a case of naked race-baiting, Fox host Glenn Beck called President Obama a "racist" who had a "deep-seated hatred for White people or the White culture."[5] Earlier that week, Beck claimed that the President's health insurance reform proposals were a form of "reparations" designed to "settle old racial scores."[6]

-- Fox host John Stossel argued that the public accommodations section of the Civil Rights Act -- which prevents businesses from discriminating based on race, sex, and other factors -- should be repealed.[7]

-- Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity were the first to air deceptively edited and incomplete video of Shirley Sherrod's remarks to the NAACP.[8] The video made it seem like Sherrod was confessing to using her position at the USDA to discriminate against White farmers, when she was really talking about the importance of overcoming prejudice. Sherrod lost her job over this misrepresentation, which Fox enthusiastically repeated without seeking the facts. Fox has since tried to pretend it had nothing to do with this smear -- but Fox is the number one reason these kinds of distortions and smears have any part in our national dialogue.

The examples above aren't even a tenth of Fox's vicious lies and smears, and over the years they've just gotten more brazen.

The goal of Turn Off Fox is to reduce the number of public TVs showing Fox News, while spreading the word about Fox's poison (and how it works) to those who don't know.

Signing up for the campaign is just the first step. We make it easy for you to tell us about businesses playing Fox. If you're willing to talk with them, we'll provide you with straightforward materials that explain why they shouldn't be a party to what Fox is doing. And if there are businesses you know that want to tell the world they would never play Fox, you can help them declare themselves a "Fox-free zone."

As businesses Turn off Fox and stand up as Fox Free, and as we encourage our friends and family to do the same, we'll help make clear, to people across the country, what Fox is about. And we'll reduce their ability to do harm.

Please join me in signing up for the TurnOffFox campaign:




1. http://bit.ly/a5F7kW
2. http://mediamatters.org/research/201010110002
3. http://mediamatters.org/research/200510030005
4. http://bit.ly/c060C0
5. http://mediamatters.org/research/200907300019
6. http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200907230040
7. http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201005200033
8. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201007200060

Friday, September 10, 2010

Libertarian Party News

Libertarian Party


September 10, 2010

Contact: Wes Benedict, Executive Director
E-mail: wes.benedict@lp.org
Phone: 202-333-0008 ext. 222

Libertarians issue warning to Tea Partiers

WASHINGTON - Looking toward the 9/12 Tea Party events in Washington, DC, Libertarian Party executive director Wes Benedict issued the following warning to Tea Partiers: "Republicans are trying to fool you again."

"There are two kinds of Tea Partiers," said Benedict. "One kind is so blinded by its hatred of Obama and Democrats that it cannot see fault with Republicans. It's the other kind the Libertarian Party is reaching out to."

Libertarian Party staff and volunteers will participate in the Washington, DC Tea Party events on September 12. They will distribute flyers pointing out how the Top 10 Disasters of the 2009-2010 Obama administration mirror the Top 10 Disasters of the 2001-2008 Bush administration.

Benedict continued, "Libertarians have much in common with Tea Party goals of reducing government spending and taxes. While many Tea Party supporters will admit that George W. Bush's administration grew government, Libertarians want to remind Tea Partiers about previous Republican administrations that loved big government.

"Republican Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America promised to eliminate the Departments of Education and Energy. Yet once Republicans took control of Congress, they failed even to reduce the spending on those departments.

"Republican President George Bush, Sr. remains famous for coining the phrase 'Read my lips, no new taxes,' and then raising taxes.

"Republican President Ronald Reagan grew federal government spending to the highest level it had reached since World War II. He also 'saved Social Security' by raising payroll taxes.

"Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole was a huge supporter of taxpayer subsidies for corn and ethanol.

"In 1971, Republican President Richard Nixon instituted wage and price controls. That made a group of free-market supporters so angry that they decided to form the Libertarian Party.

"Republicans seem to think we're idiots. For decades they have paid lip-service to shrinking government, while consistently doing the opposite in office.

"Our fear is that Tea Partiers might say 'This time it will be different.' No it won't. If you vote for Republicans this time, it will just reinforce the message that they can lie to you and grow government with impunity.

"Current Republicans are just as bad as past Republicans.

"This year, Libertarian Party co-founder David Nolan is running for U.S. Senate against Republican John McCain, who famously suspended his 2008 presidential campaign so he could rush back to Washington to bail out the banks.

"Republican leader John Boehner might end up as the next House Speaker, and he voted for George W. Bush's huge 2003 Medicare expansion.

"John Cornyn, Republican senator from Texas, and current chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, voted for the TARP bailouts.

"Ron Paul is probably the only Republican congressman willing to point out the huge cost of America's foreign wars and empire building. Other Republicans pretend that spending trillions on the military just doesn't count as big government.

"With Social Security, Medicare, and military spending making up the vast majority of federal spending, you can't cut significantly without cutting those. But Republicans refuse to touch them.

"Libertarians welcome the Tea Party movement's focus on the problem of government growth. However, we are concerned that Tea Partiers might fall for the Republicans' trickery.

"Republican leaders have brought up distractions like New York City mosques and gay marriage to distract voters from Republicans' big-government track record. We hope that Tea Partiers will see through the smoke and mirrors.

"While our nation is declining dangerously right now, a turnaround could be straightforward and simple with Libertarian steps like these: 1. Bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; 2. Stop rewarding failed companies with bailouts; 3. Cut taxes and spending and let the free market work.

http://webintel.mobi gives you choices

"The Libertarian Party is fielding 168 candidates for U.S. House, and 20 candidates for U.S. Senate this year. Win or lose, a vote for a Libertarian sends a clear message for smaller government and more freedom. What message does a vote for John McCain send?"

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets and civil liberties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.


P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil liberties. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.


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Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Independent Voice: Preambles of State Constitutions Freedom of Religi...

An Independent Voice: Preambles of State Constitutions Freedom of Religi...: "Every State in the Union expressly stated in their Preambles of State Constitutions Freedom of Religion! How many Catholic, Baptist, Luther..."

Preambles of State Constitutions Freedom of Religion!

Every State in the Union expressly stated in their Preambles of State Constitutions Freedom of Religion!

How many Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Protestant, etc churches are there in New York within hailing distance of the Trade center location, what's the difference? It's still Freedom of Religion.

A Principal upon which our Country was founded and the Constitution Pledges

We either Support the Constitution, or we don't. We can't piecemeal it and say I support this, but not that!

Constitution for the United States of America

Bill of Rights

Article the third [Amendment I]

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, how about you?

The following is Taken in whole from http://www.silverbacktriker.com/preambles.html

Preambles of State Constitutions
Added 02/25/07
This was posted on a BTW forum by skymoon1

Alabama 1901 We the people of the State of Alabama, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution.

Alaska 1956 We, the people of Alaska, Grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land.

Arizona 1911 We, the people of the State of Arizona, Grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution...

Arkansas 1874 We, the people of the State of Arkansas, Grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government....

California 1879
We, the People of the State of California, Grateful to Almighty God for our freedom.

Colorado 1876
We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe.

Connecticut 1818
The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy.

Florida 1885 We, the people of the State of Florida, grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution...

Georgia 1777
We, the people of Georgia, relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution...

Hawaii 1959 We, the people of Hawaii, Grateful for Divine Guidance.. Establish this Constitution.

Idaho 1889 We, the people of the State of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings.

Illinois 1870 We, the people of the state of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.

Indiana 1851
We, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government.

Iowa 1857
We, the People of the State of Iowa, Grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings establish this Constitution.

Kansas 1859 We, the people of Kansas, Grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution.

Kentucky 1891
We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties...

Louisiana 1921 We, the people of the State of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy..

Maine 1820
We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity .. And imploring His aid and direction.

Maryland 1776 We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty...

Massachusetts 1780 We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe .. In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction ..

Michigan 1908
We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom establish this Constitution.

Minnesota, 1857
We, the people of the State of Minnesota, Grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings:

Mississippi 1890 We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work.

Missouri 1845 We, the people of Missouri , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . Establish this Constitution.

Montana 1889 We, the people of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution ...

Nebraska 1875 We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom .. Establish this Constitution.

Nevada 1864 We the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom establish this Constitution.

New Hampshire 1792 Part I. Art. I. Sec. V .. Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.

New Jersey 1844
We, the people of the state of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.

New Mexico 1911 We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty...

New York 1846 We, the people of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings.

North Carolina 1868 We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those...

North Dakota 1889 We, the people of North Dakota, Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain...

Ohio 1852 We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common good...

Oklahoma 1907
Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty ... establish this.

Oregon 1857 Bill of Rights, Article I. Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences.

http://webintel.mobi Gives you choices

Pennsylvania 1776 We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance.

Rhode Island 1842
We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing.

South Carolina, 1778
We, the people of the State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

South Dakota 1889
We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious .

Tennessee 1796 Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...

Texas 1845 We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.

Utah 1896 Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution.

Vermont 1777 Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man.

Virginia 1776
Bill of Rights, XVI Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other...

Washington 1889 We the People of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution.

West Virginia 1872
Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God.

Wisconsin 1848
We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility.

Wyoming 1890 We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties .. establish this Constitution.

After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts and the 'Palinites' are wrong! If you found this to be "Food for thought.." please copy and send to as many as you think will be enlightened as I hope you are..

Please note that at no time is anyone told that they MUST worship God.

"Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants."
William Penn (I think we have arrived Mr. Penn)

If you have comments or suggestions please let me know.
My e-mail is fyredrake(at)gmail(dot)com.
Please make the subject "Geocities Page" or it will most likely be dumped as spam.

The above email address is that of the person's statement above, and not that of the publisher of this blog even though we may agree with the statement, we take no credit except for the comment about the 'Palinites'. After all, who made her 'queen'?

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Net Neutrality now!

It MUST NOT be up to giant corporations to decide the rules and regulations that govern their behavior!

The banking and insurance industries were given that power by a defunct Congress, and look at the sorry state of affairs the Country, and the World financial systems are in because of that power to self govern.

The FCC should act immediately to protect the long-standing principle of net neutrality so that the Internet can continue to grow, fuel innovation and facilitate communication World wide.

Today the Internet serves as our open source, our "town square" -- where we talk to one another, exchange views, find information from many diverse sources of news and opinion, write our blogs, share our opinions, contact candidates, and engage in our democracy. We must make certain that for-profit interests don't destroy the democratic free enterprise culture of the web.

Since its inception, the Internet was, and has been an open highway for communication between individuals world wide.

As a community, friendships have been forged that are on going, and long lasting.

Written communications between family members have increased in no small part due to e-mail communications, and small businesses have thrived all due to open net neutrality.

Now along comes Corporate GREED attempting to take over the FCC’s job of regulating the Internet! This can’t be allowed to happen.

The FCC has been empowered by the people that use the Internet to govern it and keep it a fair and open FREE WAY of information; the same as the FCC was empowered to govern the air ways for Radio, and TV.

As a small business entrepreneur whose very business life depends on a fair and open Internet, the plan put forth by Google and Verizon spells DOOM for my business, and millions of others like me.

Without net neutrality allowing us the same privilege and access to our customers as the larger deeper pocket corporations we will fold and close our doors.

In an era of a declining tax base because the Government has allowed major corporations to take their holdings off shore, and discontinue paying taxes, it is more important than ever that the small businesses be allowed to thrive and contribute to the tax base.

Net neutrality must be protected once and for all time from the monomaniacal GREED of the huge telecoms.

The FCC must listen to the voices of the millions of constituents that are demanding net neutrality and weigh their decision on the balance of the good for the many, rather than for the wealth of the few!


If you wish your voice to be heard by the FCC, CLICK HERE NOW Add your voice to the millions petitioning the FCC to save net neutrality from the GREED of Google, and Verizon.


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Monday, August 9, 2010

And he wants to be Govenor!

Recent Senate Votes
Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act - Vote Agreed to (61-39)

The Senate passed this bill to provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in funding for states to create or retain teachers’ jobs. The House must vote on the bill next.

Sen. Sam Brownback voted NO...

Nomination of Elena Kagan, of Massachusetts, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vote Confirmed (63-37)

The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. She was sworn in on Saturday.

Sen. Sam Brownback voted NO...

He just keeps voting no on anything that will aid the average person, Now if you were an oil, coal, mining, or timber company with deep pockets, he'd vote yes on anything you put forth just to keep the money flowing in his direction.

What a Guy!

See that he's unemployed come November!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And he's got guts enough to run for Govenor

Recent Senate Votes

Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act - Vote Rejected (57-41, 2 Not Voting)

The Senate rejected ending debate on this campaign finance disclosure legislation. The bill will likely not return to the Senate floor until September.

Sen. Sam Brownback voted NO...
Sen. Pat Roberts voted NO...

Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010 - Vote Rejected (58-42)

The Senate rejected ending debate on this bill that aims to expand the availability of credit to small businesses. The Senate may work more on the bill this week.

Sen. Sam Brownback voted NO...
Sen. Pat Roberts voted NO...

Brownback, AKA, bushbacker voted against extending unemployment benefits for the Kansans that had run out of benefits, and were at risk of becoming not only homeless, but without food for their families.

Now he has the Guts to run for Governor of Kansas so he can continue screwing the people of Kansas only more directly. He's accepting a paycheck as Kansas Senator while he politics for his run for Governor just like he used his Paycheck as a Kansas Senator while he made an un-successful run for President.

This guy has no ethics, if he did he'd resign from one Government job while he's seeking another.

He misses Senate votes, is absent from the Senate floor because he's busy campaigning for another job! Yet his hand is stretched out for his paycheck in spite of the fact that he doesn't do his job.

If Kansans forget how badly he's served them in the Senate, and vote him in for Governor, Kansans have voted to fill their air space with Coal Soot from the new Coal fired Electric Plants he'll approve in Western Kansas.

Brownback is in Corporate Americas Pocket, and unless you have deep pockets that can contribute to him forget getting any type of legislation passed that will help the average citizen....

Don't make the mistake thinking that his smile makes him one of the 'good guys' cause his only agenda is to be 'KING'

Use your vote in November to place him in the un-employed roles where he belongs!

Monday, May 24, 2010

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

AIG plans to pay $100 million in another round of bonuses

AIG plans to pay $100 million in another round of bonuses

** Editors Note:

I believe it's time that every policy holder of AIG switch insurance companies! If this company 'AIG' has enough surplus of money after accepting a bail out from the Country to again pay millions of dollars in bonus' to their top exec's then they're making too much money, and their policy holders should abandon them to their own devices! SWITCH INSURANCE COMPANIES AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!


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AIG plans to pay $100 million in another round of bonuses

By Brady Dennis
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 3, 2010; 12:11 AM

American International Group plans Wednesday to pay another round of employee bonuses, worth about $100 million, said several people familiar with the matter, a year after similar payments at the bailed-out insurance giant infuriated many Americans and inflamed Washington.

This week's retention payments go to those employees at the company's Financial Products division who agreed recently to accept 10 to 20 percent less money than AIG had initially promised them two years ago. In return, they are to receive their payments more than a month ahead of schedule.

The company is still scheduled to pay out tens of millions of dollars more in March, mostly to former employees who did not agree to the concessions.

AIG executives have been scrambling to hammer out a compromise before March 15, when the firm faces a deadline to pay nearly $200 million in bonuses to employees at Financial Products, the unit whose risky derivatives deals brought the insurer to the brink of collapse in 2008. Government and AIG officials have been eager to avoid a repeat of the public furor that erupted last March when an earlier round of payments -- worth $168 million -- went to the same set of employees.

While many in the public and on Capitol Hill have been angered by outsize paydays at financial firms, the AIG retention bonuses have been especially rankling because the company has received a federal rescue package of about $180 billion in loans, stock investments and other commitments from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.

People familiar with the negotiations said about 97 percent of current employees at the Financial Products division agreed last week to forgo 10 percent of their upcoming bonuses in return for early payment. Participation rates have remained far lower -- about 35 percent, two people said -- among former employees, who were asked to surrender 20 percent of their bonuses.

Gerry Pasciucco, who was hired after the bailout to run Financial Products and help dismantle it, sent an e-mail to employees this week explaining that the company had decided to move forward with the reduced payments. "We expect payment to be received in your account no later than Wednesday, Feb. 3," it read in part.

"This lets us, as a business, pivot away from this issue," said one Financial Products employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. "Current employees stepped up. They want to continue to do their business. They obviously want to get beyond this."

Andrew Goodstadt, a New York lawyer who represents more than a dozen current and former Financial Products employees, said he hoped the deal would be a step toward normalcy. "My clients are looking forward to getting paid their contractual entitlements," he said, "and resolving this matter once and for all."
Seeking repayment

The new payments are in part an attempt by AIG to meet two demands from U.S. compensation czar Kenneth R. Feinberg. One is to scale back the size of the bonuses. By paying the employees less than they had been promised, the company is also seeking to compensate for $26 million that Financial Products employees had said they would return last year but did not.

At the height of the controversy last spring, employees at the firm signaled they would return a total of $45 million by the end of 2009. A government audit in the fall showed that only about $19 million was returned. Feinberg has insisted that the full amount be repaid, though the $20 million in recent concessions still falls short of that mark.

AIG has been consulting with Feinberg about its negotiations with employees over reducing their bonuses in return for early payment.

"We are greatly appreciative that virtually all -- some 97 percent -- of active FP employees have volunteered to reduce their upcoming 2010 payment to help achieve our giveback target," AIG spokesman Mark Herr said. "We have decided to begin these reduced payments to these active employees as well as those non-active employees who agreed to reductions. The reductions from these two groups stand at about $20 million, and we believe this allows us to largely put this matter behind us."

Herr added that some former employees had agreed to reduce their payments by an additional $4.5 million, but it remained unclear whether that money could count toward the payback goal. "Nonetheless, we will continue to work with the non-active employees to round out the remaining amount of our giveback target over the next few months," Herr said.

"These payments are tied to employment contracts from 2007 that fell outside the jurisdiction of the Special Master [Feinberg] and the law," said Andrew Williams, a Treasury spokesman. "We are encouraged that AIG employees are making good on the repayment pledges they made last spring."

Few aspects of the financial crisis have angered lawmakers and ordinary Americans as much as the AIG bonuses. On Tuesday, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said of the latest round of payments: "The Obama administration has been outmaneuvered, and the closed-door negotiations just add to the skepticism that the taxpayers will ever get the upper hand."
Legally binding

The roots of the controversy developed months before the government's rescue of the giant insurer. As the housing bubble was collapsing and the company's trading in financial derivatives called credit-default swaps was starting to cost the company billions of dollars, AIG officials instituted the guaranteed retention payments to keep employees during the coming period of financial instability. Financial Products employees were promised more than $400 million in retention pay, with lump sums due in March 2009 and March 2010.

Government and AIG officials agreed last year that the bonuses at Financial Products, however unsavory they might seem after the company's multiple federal bailouts, were legally binding. That explanation did not sit well with millions of Americans who were out of work and whose tax dollars had gone to prop up the faltering insurance giant.

When word of the payments erupted into a national news story last March, President Obama vowed to "pursue every single legal avenue to block" the bonuses. Lawmakers backed a bill that would have taxed the payments to Financial Products employees at 90 percent. The issue eventually died down -- publicly, at least -- but government and AIG officials recognized that the second round of payments due this March threatened to stoke public anger once again.

Financial Products has shrunk steadily during the past year, winding down the number of derivatives trades on its books to about 16,000 at the end of 2009 from 44,000 before the bailout. It has closed offices in Hong Kong and Tokyo and reduced its staff to 237 employees from 428.

"People will be relieved that they can now remove this as a distraction, focus on the task at hand and go on with their lives," one Financial Products employee said of this week's compromise. "People did it to put it behind them."

Staff writer Zachary A. Goldfarb contributed to this report.




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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Open Letter to President Obama on Health Care Reform From Margaret Flowers, MD | ProsperityAgenda.US

Open Letter to President Obama on Health Care Reform From Margaret Flowers, MD | ProsperityAgenda.US

Obama opened the door a crack but no one can get through because of security, and politics. He asked for advice, but isn't available to hear it!

Open Letter to President Obama on Health Care Reform From Margaret Flowers, MD
Jan 27, 2010 — KZeese

January 28, 2010

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Obama,

I was overjoyed to hear you say in your State of the Union address last night:

“But if anyone from either party has a better approach that will bring down premiums, bring down the deficit, cover the uninsured, strengthen Medicare for seniors, and stop insurance company abuses, let me know.”

My colleagues, fellow health advocates and I have been trying to meet with you for over a year now because we have an approach which will meet all of your goals and more.

I am a pediatrician who, like many of my primary care colleagues, left practice because it is nearly impossible to deliver high quality health care in this environment. I have been volunteering for Physicians for a National Health Program ever since. For over a year now, I have been working with the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care/ National Single Payer Alliance. This alliance represents over 20 million people nationwide from doctors to nurses to labor, faith and community groups who advocate on behalf of the majority of Americans, including doctors, who favor a national Medicare for All health system.

I felt very optimistic when Congress took up health care reform last January because I remember when you spoke to the Illinois AFL-CIO in June, 2003 and said:

"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." (applause) "I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that's what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that's what I'd like to see."

But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House."

And that is why I was so surprised when the voices of those who support a national single payer plan/Medicare for All were excluded in place of the voices of the very health insurance and pharmaceutical industries which profit off the current health care situation.

There was an opportunity this past year to create universal and financially-sustainable health care reform rather than expensive health insurance reform.

As you well know, the United States spends the most per capita on health care in the world yet leaves millions of people out and receives poor return on those health care dollars in terms of health outcomes and efficiency. This poor value for our health care dollar is due to the waste of having so many insurance companies. At least a third of our health care dollars go towards activities that have nothing to do with health care such as marketing, administration and high executive salaries and bonuses. This represents over $400 billion per year which could be used to pay for health care for all of those Americans who are suffering and dying from preventable causes.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You said that you wanted to “keep what works” and that would be Medicare. Medicare is an American legacy of which we can feel proud. It has guaranteed health security to all who have it. Medicare has lifted senior citizens out of poverty. Health disparities, which are rising in this nation, begin to disappear as soon as patients reach 65 years of age. And patients and doctors prefer Medicare to private insurance. Why, our Medicare has even been used as a model by other nations which have developed and implemented universal health systems.

Mr. President, we wanted to meet with you because we have the solution to health care reform. The United States has enough money already and we have the resources, including esteemed experts in public health, health policy and health financing. Our very own Dr. William Hsiao at Harvard has designed health systems in five other countries.

I am asking you to meet with me because the solution is simple. Remove all of the industries who profit off of the American health care catastrophe from the table. Replace them with those who are knowledgeable in designing health systems and who are without ties to the for-profit medical industries. And then allow them to design an improved Medicare for All national health system. We can implement it within a year of designing such a system.

What are the benefits of doing this?

• It will save tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of American lives each year, not to mention the prevention of unnecessary suffering.

• It will relieve families of medical debt, which is the number one cause of bankruptcy and foreclosure despite the fact that most of those who experienced bankruptcy had health insurance.

• It will relieve businesses of the growing burden of skyrocketing health insurance premiums so that they can invest in innovation, hiring, increased wages and other benefits and so they can compete in the global market. For example, it is estimated to provide a major stimulus for the U.S. economy by creating 2.6 million new jobs, and infusing $317 billion in new business and public revenues, with another $100 billion in wages.

• It will control health care costs in a rational way through global budgeting and negotiation for fair prices for pharmaceuticals and services.

• It will allow patients the freedom to choose wherever they want to go for health care and will allow patients and their caregivers to determine which care is best without denials by insurance administrators.

• It will restore the physician-patient relationship and bring satisfaction back to the practice of medicine so that more doctors will stay in or return to practice.

• It will allow our people in our nation to be healthy and productive and able to support themselves and their families.

• It will create a legacy for your administration that may someday elevate you to the same hero status as Tommy Douglas has in Canada.

Mr. President, there are more benefits, but I believe you get the point. I look forward to meeting with you and am so pleased that you are open to our ideas. The Medicare for All campaign is growing rapidly and is ready to support you as we move forward on health care reform that will provide America with one of the best health systems in the world. And that is something of which all Americans can be proud.

With great anticipation and deep respect,

Margaret Flowers, M.D.
Maryland chapter, Physicians for a National Health Program

© 2009 ProsperityAgenda.US



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stop the Corporate take over of American Politics


"Presented by Jim Hightower"

Last September, I wrote The Hightower Lowdown about how the Roberts' Court could throw out over 100 years of campaign finance law.

Remember their names: Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas.

Yesterday, from within the dark isolation of the Supreme Court, these five men pulled off a black-robed coup against the American people's democratic authority. In an unprecedented perversion of judicial power, this court cabal has decreed that corporations have a free-speech "right" to dip into their corporate coffers and spend unlimited sums of money to elect or defeat candidates of their choosing.

Corporate interests already had too much money power over our political system. No other group in America comes anywhere near the spending clout that this relatively small clutch of wealthy special interests wields over our elections and government. So it's ludicrous for anyone – much less Supreme Court judges – to argue that the corporate voice is a victim of political "censorship." This is not merely judicial activism, it is judicial radicalism.

Thomas Jefferson warned about the dangerous rise of corporate power, declaring that must "crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations." Today, I'm sure that founding patriots like Jefferson are not simply spinning in their graves at the Supreme Court's surrender to this aristocracy – they're trying to claw their way out of their graves to throttle all five of the traitors.

We MUST fight back. Many good groups are working on this issue, and we all have to get involved to fight against this corporate take over of our political system. Public Citizen has a petition we can sign. Common Cause is asking us to contact your congressperson and make sure they have signed on to the Fair Elections Now Act. I mentioned other good groups that are working on this issue. Get in touch with them. Let's fight the good fight... and win! Onward!






Thursday, January 14, 2010

Take Action for the Center for Biological Diversity

Take Action for the Center for Biological Diversity

Volunteer to Distribute Free Endangered Species Condoms

Be a part of the Center for Biological Diversity’s brand-new Endangered Species Condom Project, a campaign to nationally distribute free condoms in six different packages featuring endangered species threatened by human overpopulation, with the goal of raising awareness about overpopulation’s serious impacts on our planet. The packages will be released next month, and we need your help to get them out. Sign up below and you can help us educate people across the country about what overpopulation does to species that don’t have the privilege of over-reproducing — or even reproducing enough to survive — from the spotted owl to the Puerto Rico rock frog to the polar bear.

After you sign up, a Center staff person will contact you with more details. Thank you for taking action on this critical issue and being part of our exciting new project.





Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tell the FCC to Stand Up for Net Neutrality! | Save the Internet

Tell the FCC to Stand Up for Net Neutrality! | Save the Internet

If the FCC bows down to the huge telecoms, and cable companies it will put millions of small business at risk because they will not be able to compete against the giants of corporate America that will be able to pay increased fees to market their products.

Net Neutrality allows information to freely flow on the Internet as it was originally conceived and designed to do by the early pioneers of the Internet.

Public access to all in all equality is what the founders of the Internet had in mind; a free flowing exchange of Ideas available to everyone that had computer access.

With out Net Neutrality, that Idea fails because the huge telecoms, and cable companies will decide who gets delivery of their information, and at what speed. Deep pocketed corporations will rule the Internet, and those with less capital backing them will only hope for delivery of their messages in a timely fashion.

The telecoms and cable companies do not own the Internet, it is a public trust just as the radio and television air waves are a public trust. The FCC oversees these media avenues for the 'PEOPLE' that has empowered them to do so. If the FCC allows the telecoms, and cable companies to rule the Internet, they will have violated the public trust.

An open Internet with Net Neutrality is the last open opportunity for the small entrepreneur to attempt to compete in a corporate run world!

Because telecoms, and cable companies saw a business opportunity, and had the capital to put the idea into operation, only means that they have the opportunity to sell their services to those that wish them. It does not give them the right to force out other entrepreneurs from doing business on the Internet.

Do not give into them!

The lively hood of millions of small entrepreneurs depend on your decision to maintain Net Neutrality!

Tell the FCC how you feel about Net Neutrality here!



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winning the war on terrorism with silence!

Every brand, every idea requires one very important ingredient to become successful.

Coke, Pepsi, would not have become household names World Wide without this one essential ingredient.

Terrorism requires the same essential ingredient in order to grow, and survive!

This one essential ingredient reaches out to even the most remote areas of Earth, and effects the ideas and behavior of every living person Planet wide.

It comes in a plethora of ways, never the same format, but always the same nonetheless.

We live in the information age!

And Media dictates our every thought from morning to night.

Good thoughts and evil thoughts are put in our faces to digest every moment of each and every day with little thought to the repercussions or the outcome.

Thoughts are things, and the more attention paid to a single thought, the more powerful it becomes.

Until at last it becomes a tangible thing, taking on a life of its own, and growing into something worthwhile, or incredibly evil simply because of the power of thought...

Terrorism begins as a thought in the minds of fanatical people.

They share that thought with more fanatics, or lost souls seeking a way to show that they live, and the idea grows.

Then one of the fanatics does a terrible thing to mankind, and the media tells the world about it.

The idea gets the one essential ingredient required for massive growth; publicity, and it grows even greater in size.

Again a fanatic does something terrible, and the media gives it more growth until at last it has the attention of the world, and its growth is nearly unstoppable.

Nearly is the key word here!

If an idea doesn’t receive any attention, it simply fades, and after a while it doesn’t exist because no one remembers it.

We can send all the troops in the world.

Spend millions, and billions, and even trillions of dollars in an attempt to combat terrorism, but until we use the weapon of silence, we are simply fueling the growth of terrorism by applying the one thing it requires to grow; ATTENTION!

If we eliminate reference to terrorism in our media, we take away terrorism’s biggest weapon.

Yes, they’ll still have their armament, but as time goes on, and less and less press is given their activities there will come a time when they discover that no one is noticing and their cause will die of inattention!

Of course it will be impossible to dismiss, or ignore their terrorist acts towards their fellow men, but if it is reported in a different manner, giving no name to terrorism, simply reporting that X # of people died because a building fell, or a car had an accident, and it’s gas tank exploded, etc. etc. .

We give terrorism no credit, and begin its demise!

No matter how much they rant, and rail if no one pays attention, or gives lip service to their activities; they are destined to wither, and die of inattention!

We can win the war on terrorism with SILENCE!

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