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Thursday, May 28, 2009

When will Palin "the bloody bitch" stop the slaughter?

We’ve seen appalling new images of Governor Sarah Palin’s cruel war on wolves -- pictures Palin would never want seen on a postcard from Alaska:

Wolf carcasses skinned and stacked in piles in the woods;
Dead wolves riddled with buckshot and lying bloody in the snow;
Sarah Palin’s hired killers smiling and posing in front of an airplane loaded down with recently slaughtered wolves.

You can help expose Palin’s brutal, senseless killing of Alaska’s wolves.Your contribution of $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 or another amount will help Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund keep the national spotlight on Palin’s barbarism, lobby for federal legislation to end this awful wolf killing program and protect wolves and other imperiled wildlife.

On June 6th, we have a unique chance to reach more citizens and media about the Palin carnage. She is scheduled to be in Auburn, New York to celebrate 50 years of Alaska statehood and New Yorker William Seward’s 1867 purchase of Alaska -- a purchase then known as “Seward’s Folly.”

With your donation, we’ll make sure that more caring people learn the truth about Sarah’s Palin’s own folly -- an expensive, unscientific and horrific wolf-killing program that has already massacred more than 1,000 wolves.

To place the next round of Eye on Palin television ads in this New York market, we need to raise $75,000 by next Monday (June 1st). Can you send what you can afford?

The gruesome images described above are just the tip of the iceberg.

After Palin's henchmen executed 14 poor pups last summer -- with a shot each to the head -- and more than 250 wolves were killed during the recently concluded 2008/2009 aerial gunning season, Palin's administration is resorting to even more extreme tactics to kill wolves.

This summer, poison gas bombs will be thrown into dens and snares will be set at the mouths of dens to kill off newborn pups and to prevent wolf numbers from increasing.

Extreme wolf-killing programs like these are already having a devastating effect on wolf populations. Wolf population estimates indicate that almost all of the wolves in the Upper Yukon/Tanana predator control region (near the Yukon Charlie Rivers National Wildlife Preserve) may have been killed over the winter, with 133 wolves killed by aerial gunning and another 80 expected to be trapped. [2]

Don’t let Palin and her trophy hunting cronies get away with it. Please donate now to help save the lives of wolves targeted by Palin’s brutal programs.

Besides keeping the media heat on Palin, your compassionate contribution will build momentum for passage of federal legislation to end her aerial wolf-killing programs an effort that has already garnered more than 30 original co-sponsors for the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act.

With your caring support, we will end this cruelty. Please donate now.

With Gratitude,

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

P.S. We need to make our media buys to expose Palin’s aerial wolf killing very soon. Please make a secure donation online now or call 1-800-425-4632 to make a donation by phone.


[1] Access to these awful photos is currently restricted. Our sister organization Defenders of Wildlife has filed a request under Alaska’s Open Records Act to make these photos public.

[2] The National Park Service estimates that up to 213 wolves made their homes in the Upper Yukon / Tanana predator control region prior to this past winter’s “control” efforts.




Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kansas Senator Roberts seems prone to supports torture

Thank you for contacting me regarding the release of documents from the Bush administration. I appreciate your taking the time to write on this important issue.

Recently, President Obama released formerly classified legal opinions issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during the Bush administration. These opinions detailed the rationale used to authorize the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorists held in custody overseas. While I maintain that the United States should never surrender the moral high ground by condoning torture, I believe that it was unnecessary to release these documents.

I am concerned that the release of these opinions and discussion of prosecuting the officials who drafted them will significantly chill the ability of government attorneys to address complicated legal issues. A nation at war is required to make many difficult choices and that process will only be made harder if we seek to criminalize the judgments of those we ask to make the tough calls. While some may disagree with the choices that were made, I hope we can all agree that they were made in good faith and with the security of the nation in mind.

Again, thank you for writing. I will keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate deals with this issue. If you would like more information on issues before the Senate, please visit my website at http://roberts.senate.gov. You may also sign up on my home page for a monthly electronic newsletter that will provide additional updates on my work for Kansas.

With every best wish,


Pat Roberts






Sunday, May 10, 2009

'The Pen' asks: How many police does it take to silence the voice of the people?

How many police does it take to silence the voice of the people?

That's a question a despot might ask in a totalitarian police state.
But this week the Senate Finance Committee thought it was a hilarious
joke as they ejected one brave activist after another, for protesting
that not even one spokesperson for single payer health care was being
allowed to sit at the hearing table. Yes, Senator Max Baucus (MT),
who had preemptively declared that consideration of a single payer
option was off the table, actually joked "We need more police [1:58
on video]." And the rest of the Senate panel just laughed their heads

Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), the ranking Republican, not to be
outdone in his contempt for the people, then asked if there was
"somewhere they can watch it on television [2:05 on video]," which
elicted additional hearty guffaws. Yes, what a wonderful entertaining
show that would be, the spectacle of the will of the people being
excluded while corporate special interests, like butchers, carve up
our pocketbooks and our bodies.

Single Payer Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum982.php

On the action page is an extended video where you can hear for
yourself those Senators laughing at us, and you'll be just at
outraged as we are. It's time for the U.S. Senate to get the message
that we the people are not just a joke to be laughed off. Why is it
that not ONE senator on that committee has the integrity to stand up
for a even handed debate of health care issues? Why should any of
them be elected to public office ever again?

So let's see a show of hands. How many of you would like to sign up
now for a commie Marxist national health care system ... like in
Canada, England and other pinko Bolshevik countries like that? How
stupid do they think we are, to try to reduce the terms of the debate
to such an ignorant level? Meet the new mass media scare label,
"socialized" medicine. As opposed to like what ... the ANTI-social
corporate medical insurance industry we have now, where patients have
no role except to be cash cows, by design never to be actually cured?

If you or anyone in your family has ever been seriously ill, and as
we ALL will be someday, you know the medical industry will pick your
bones clean of every dime you ever earned in your life, just in time
to drop you into the cheapest possible pine box.

Single Payer Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum982.php

Why are members of Congress fighting so hard to keep single payer
health care out of the public debate? Because there are no fat
profits in it for their special interest corporate campaign
contributers, who maximize their profits the sicker we are. They
cannot compete with a low overhead efficiently run government
program, just like we have NOW with the existing proven Medicare

Instead, they will line up a bunch of corporate lobbyists and stooges
to tell bald faced lies. Just like Senator Jim Bunning himself who
asserted that Canada and England had tax rate of at LEAST 60% to
support single payer. But they don't even want anyone around to even
have a chance to call them out on their willful and malicious lies.

Yes, all those who love to preach to the rest of us about the free
market and competition are shown to be only interested in a rigged
market and a rigged debate. Baucus may put on a face of being
slightly chastened, but he STILL will not allow any honest testimony
on single payer.

But we can beat them.

This is the pivotal moment. We have been speaking out for HR 676
(Medicare for all) for YEARS. And now 8 incredibly brave activists
have been hauled away because they would not remain silent. But in
doing so, in putting their own bodies on the line, they have shown up
the current "debate" for the total sham that it is.

We are not asking you to put your body on the line. All we are asking
you to do is submit a one click action page that we have specially
configured to send your message to the Senate Finance Committee as a
hard copy pdf that they can't just laugh off, because it will be part
of the permanent record. Plus your message will go to all your
regular members of Congress, plus your nearest daily local newspaper
as well if that option is selected.

Single Payer Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum982.php

At 3:20 of the video posted on the action page above you will hear a
woman loudly ask, "I wonder how many there are?" Let's show them.
Let's show them there are millions and millions of us out here who
will no longer be ignored, who will no longer be laughed off. Because
they KNOW we can stop them if and only if large numbers of us will
raise our voices now.

Let's just do it.

And here is a list of all Senators on the Finance Committee,
including at least a couple who you might have considered to be
"liberals". Where are their voices? Is there not a single one of them
who will stand up and say, "No wait a minute, we need to hear what
the single payer advocates have to say." So especially if one of
these is one of YOUR personal Senator, they especially need to hear
from you now.

Bill NELSON, FL, Robert MENENDEZ, NJ, Thomas CARPER, DE, Chuck
GRASSLEY, IA, Orrin G. HATCH, UT, Olympia J. SNOWE, ME, Jon KYL, AZ,

No, we don't need more police. We need fewer Senators with plugs in
their ears like Max Baucus. And he and the rest of them need to hear

And yes, you can also respond to this action through the new Twitter
gateway. Just send the following Twitter reply, and add any personal
comment you like.

@cxs #p982

And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up the
Twitter thing here is the link for that.

Twitter Activism Step-By-Step: http://tcxs.net/step_by_step.php

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

**EDITORS NOTE: This post was copied intirely from 'The Pen's' newsletter, in hopes that by reposting it a broader audience can be reached to respond.



