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Friday, March 20, 2009

Alaska's Bloody Witch is at it again!

Governor Sarah Palin Alaska's Bloody Witch's cruel aerial slaughter has suddenly escalated.

This week, Palin’s henchmen have killed 66 wolves, using helicopters, spotter planes and aerial gunners. To make matters even worse, Palin’s Board of Game has approved the use of poison gas and deadly snares to kill defenseless wolf pups and their families in and around their dens.

Wolves are being slaughtered in record numbers. Please make an emergency donation to help us stop Palin’s killing frenzy and shine the national spotlight on her brutal massacre.

To stop the killing, we...

Supported emergency legal efforts in state court to halt or delay the helicopter assault on wolves near the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, near the area made famous by the 1890s Alaska Gold Rush.

Are working on Capitol Hill with our champion Congressman George Miller of California to win cosponsors for the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act to end Palin’s barbaric aerial killing and prevent programs like it from spreading to other states; and

Are raising public awareness in the media to Palin’s horrible wolf-killing programs in newspapers, on radio and television across the country.

In just a few weeks, Alaska's Bloody Witch Governor Palin is scheduled to appear in Indianapolis. With your emergency help, we can run this ad and ensure that citizens in Indiana and the national media covering her appearance learn the terrible truth of what Palin and her killing thugs have been up to over the last few weeks.

Please make an emergency donation today to help underwrite our state court action and advocacy on Capitol Hill and to expand our Eye on Palin campaign through our new ad.

We need to raise $185, 000 by next Friday to run our ad and expand the Eye on Palin campaign. Please make your donation today.

We can win this fight with your compassionate help. Please send whatever caring contribution you can today. Thank you for all you do.


Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund


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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Give an Hour to the Earth With the Flick of Your Thumb

Yearning for something easy to do for the planet? How about flipping a switch?

Participate in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 28, 2009 and join Polar Bears International and the World Wildlife Fund -- and, of course, all of us at the Center for Biological Diversity -- in making a worldwide statement by turning your lights out from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, wherever you live on Earth. By staying in the dark for a single hour, you'll be joining millions in enlightening world leaders on what needs to be done to stop climate change now.

Earth Hour began in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and this year every ferry in the city's harbor will sound its horn at exactly 8:30 p.m. to announce the beginning of Earth Hour Down Under. More than 1,000 cities and towns across 80 countries have committed to participating in Earth Hour. This is a great chance for all us global citizens to speak out on climate change with one powerful voice through one simple act.

Go to the Earth Hour Web site to learn how you can sign up, tell a friend, and lead your own Earth Hour event.

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Because They are Girls!


Did you know that 62 million girls worldwide are not in primary school, just because they're girls?

Or that girls in the developing world are less well-nourished than boys because their brothers are fed first?

Or the disturbing fact that 60% of girls ages 15-19 in sub-Saharan Africa are married?

I just watched this video about children who suffer abuse simply because they are girls. I knew you would be moved by it too.

Will you watch and then join me in asking President Obama to stand up for the rights of young girls around the world? Just click the link below.


There are concrete steps that President Obama can take to help girls. A birth registry, for example, will protect girls from early marriage and child labor. President Obama can also help ensure that girls benefit as much as boys from aid money given to developing countries.

This isn't just the right thing to do — it is a critical step in fighting world poverty, improving public health and creating economic opportunity for children around the world.

We won't stop these injustices unless world leaders take notice and take action. And they won't take action unless you and I speak up.

Take a look at this powerful video to learn more, and then ask President Obama to do something about the treatment of young girls in the developing world.






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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Halt all new oil and gas leases in the Arctic Ocean!


I wanted you to know about a plan to lease new areas of the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska to oil and gas companies. Did you know that the area is rich in wildlife?

Hasty new drilling could pose serious risks to Arctic wildlife and local cultures. The walruses, seals, and polar bears that live there are already threatened by the effects of climate change.

Write the MMS and tell them to halt all new oil and gas leases in the Arctic Ocean!

There just isn't enough scientific evidence around the potential impact of drilling in the Arctic yet. And the chance that spills will happen is simply too great—in fact, the MMS predicts there could be 927 chronic small crude oil and other petroleum spills. '

It's extremely important that we stop the devastation of the Bush Administrations last days in office, where they were trying to complete their unfinished agenda. One place we've seen that clearly is in the effort to roll back environmental protections and maximize corporate handouts in their final days.

Write the MMS today to ask that they halt all new leases until the science is in.

This country’s wildlife depends on us for protection—and even though we finally have a pro-environment President in charge, we can't afford to lose our focus.'

Thank you!

The Wilderness Society's mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. As a subscriber to WildAlert, you join more than 310,000 Wilderness Society members and supporters in protecting and restoring America's wild places.


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Monday, March 16, 2009

Barack Obama's response to the economic crisis

From Frozen Minds, A 'Spending Freeze'

Joe Conason

If President Barack Obama's response to the economic crisis is imperfect, as he acknowledges, and if the Congressional Democrats leave much to be desired as well, then Americans can at least be thankful that the nation's fate has not been consigned to the frozen minds on the other side of the aisle. Things are bad, and seem very likely to get worse — but

the Republicans seem determined to plunge us into a real depression, gambling that catastrophe would return them to power.

Read more:






Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 astute people's views on The prevention of global warming

Webintel's comment about the following:

In my minds eye, these people have ideas that are real winners, and we need to get our money grubbing politicians behind these ideas...

Comment from mercury
March 3rd, 2009 at 4:58 pm

The re-establishment of our economy requires plans for development. This can run in tandem with securing our sources of energy and the prevention of global warming:

The prevention of global warming, energy independence, and freedom from fossil fuels will need ALL of the following:

Portugal has led the way to the future in which we will need NO fossil fuels, coal (whether dirty clean coal or dirty dirty coal), gas, or nuclear power.


The following needs to be more widely known:

The MOST important actions on prevention of global warming are STILL NOT being done:

1. Research into TIDAL POWER stations: America's Eastern and Western seaboards offer almost unlimited tidal power over 6000 miles.
The only such station in the Western Hemisphere is in Nova Scotia and that province already produces 12% of its electric power from renewable sources.
Hardly anything is being done in this direction in the USA.

2. Portugal has pioneered the way toward COMPLETE freedom from fossil fuels, using a combination of dams for hydro-electric power, solar farms, wind farms and harnessing WAVE POWER with "SEA SNAKES" (Pelamis). These ingenious scavengers of wave power, invented in Scotland, measure 150 metres in length and 3.5 metres in diameter. They each produce enough power to supply about 1500 HOMES, generating electricity by movement of their 4 sections about hinges. A cable along the seabed carries the energy to a substation on the shore.

Portugal had a goal to produce 30% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2010. Two years ahead of schedule it is at 42% !
[CBC news.ca Oct.22,2008. - Also reported in UN Wire of Oct. 24th.]

America needs to catch up, and to catch up fast !

We need to change the mantra from "Drill baby Drill" to "Snake baby Snake"


3. Research into low cost electric cars and high speed rechargeable batteries. Tesla has already an excellent vehicle, but at too high a cost. We need cheap electric cars and these could easily be made, and would TOTALLY eliminate greenhouse gases from cars.
Any bail out or better, a loan, should be only for the manufacture of electric cars - Now is the time! There are already many different electric vehicles on the market. An additional advantage of an electric car is that no one is going to burn to death trapped in the car.

4. Prepare for recharge stations at service stations and in shopping centre parking lots. Consider an electric pickup through a groove in the main streets of cities. (Like the old trams).

5. Put an immediate ban on all new coal powered power stations, and phase out all of the old ones. Put an immediate ban on all mountain top blast mining for coal and on all industrial river pollution.

6. Put an immediate ban on any new nuclear power stations, and nuclear weapons.
Start to research better ways of disposing of nuclear waste The cost needed for nuclear power construction is staggering and far exceeds the cost of creating wind power and tidal power.

We certainly do not need any more Chernobyls or Three Mile Islands, and nuclear waste will not go away because we want it to. It is well known that the transport of nuclear waste is hazardous, and subject to accidents! The horror of ongoing irradiation of the inhabitants in the Marshall Islands and the innumerable deaths and devastating sickness following nuclear bomb testing many miles away, and the far from reassuring recognition that the ground will remain radioactive for 1500 years does not provide any reason for complacency regarding accidents in transport, at waste dumps in volcanic areas, or at power plants, themselves! Recently revelations from the nuclear reactor in Virginia, detailed multiple accidents and problems, including the release of radioactive waste from a storage tank with radiation into the ground and air. Such accidents are often concealed by corporations.

7. Start the construction of large wind farms and solar farms. (The latter are best located in the southern desert states).
Denmark has shown the feasibility of building wind farms over the sea with turbines supported by pylons driven into the seabed. Even now, very little is being done in this direction in the USA.

8. Careful construction of dams for hydro power using technology to prevent a harmful impact on wildlife and drinkable water supply.

9. Accelerating the date requiring increased mileage rules for gas powered vehicles. The meeting of the "Big Three" showed a move in the right direction but fell short of the previously determined target of 35 miles per gallon.

10.Planting new forests and cutting back on lumber industry deforestation. Revelation that most of the Southern forests are in private hands suggests the need for some negotiation for protecting these forests.

11.Aid to foreign nations in need to achieve the above goals.

Cap and trade has done nothing to reduce greenhouse gases, and is merely an easy way out for the coal and fossil fuel industries.

We need action now! Global warming is here and now! The threat of inadequate water supplies is here and now!
Do not let as much as a single attempt at drilling to take place. The Republicans know how to obstruct and block. It is time for Democrats to take up the cudgel, and accuse, accuse, accuse!.

Big Oil is holding us back and dragging us down! We have lost our power of innovation!

Can we do this? Yes we can! Si se puede!

All of the above will provide abundant employment and will
be more than adequate to jumpstart the economy.
For 8 years we have been running an upside down economy which has built up a horrendous national and international debt.
Recent attempts to restart the economy by uncontrolled bail outs have resulted in inevitable failure and highly predictable consequences: The hoarding of donations of taxpayers' money. This has been a back to front effort.

To restore the economy, the FIRST OBJECTIVE MUST BE THE CREATION OF JOBS: Jobs produce products and earn money. To produce products, materials must be bought and transported, thus creating more jobs. Transportation requires fuelling, oiling, maintenance and repairs of trucks, wagons, trains, rails and roads. Wages from all of these workers pays for food from stores and farmers - more workers and more wages to spend on rentals and ultra low interest mortgages on properties with depleted prices. Purchase of properties requires agents and attorneys. Thus the cycle is restarted. An initial impetus stimulus may be needed to start the creation of these jobs and may require an initial addition to the national debt.

The massive blunder of allowing the Bush Administration to have total and secret control of the bank bail out, which should have been under the absolute control of a Board appointed by, and supervised by Congress, resulted in the money being dropped into a black hole.

By contrast, using a bail out or loan to create jobs would produce cash flow. Once the cash flow is started it accelerates and hoarded assets become released to pay for employees, and products. The release of hoarded assets stimulates investment and increases in the value of shares in the stock market.
New businesses are opened. Electric cars are made and sold.

Once the economy is restored, the debt can be gradually paid off.

The predicted hoarding by banks, predictably continues, while Congress sits lamely by as if there were nothing that it could do!!!
All that is needed is a little spine! Provide bail outs in monthly sums. Before the next month's payment require a certificate that the previous month's payment has been given to X for Y:
Where X equals a list of home mortgages at their reduced prices, and at a reduced interest rate of 1.9% to 2.9%. The home owner then refunds the Bail out account.
Y equals the Home owners and their addresses.
The mortgage is gradually paid off in small sums over a lengthy period.

Some properties can be rented out at extremely low rentals, with the option to buy, giving preference to the former owners. This is far better for all concerned than allowing foreclosed properties to remain empty and deteriorate or be vandalized.


The same measures can be applied to restoring corporate businesses such as the auto industry. It is simply a method of forcing the banks to open their vaults and put useless money into circulation.
Banks must be forced to release their stored assets by any number of ways, such as placing a ceiling on hoarded assets. (Operation "Tight Fist")
Banks which do not respect workers' rights or try to obstruct unions would not be given bail outs.

How think you?


Ian Campbell Cree, MB(Hons.), MS, FRCS(Eng. & C.), FACS, LRCP

Comment from Susan von Borstel
March 3rd, 2009 at 4:20 pm

My studies show me that there is only one workable, affordable solution to climate change and a clean environment, that is ready now. That is a new technology at GE called the S-PRISM reactor that turns our dirty spent nuclear fuel into power. It is clean, can't melt down, can't be made into weapons and can also be used to desalinate water and make viable several new forms of clean technology to run cars. There is enough spent fuel on earth to last many centuries. Other countries are doing it. It's the future. For more see www.prescriptionfortheplanet.com

Generate your own energy with a Soda-Club Energy Machine!
 Why pay up to $2 for energy drinks from the store when you can
 make it yourself, in seconds, starting at just 25 cents per serving?
 You control the intensity. Extreme flavor. Extreme savings.

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