17 Reasons To Give Thanks
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Progress Report will be off the rest of this week. Your daily report will return Monday, December 1.
This Thanksgiving, progressives have a lot to be thankful for. Here's our list:
We're thankful we'll soon have a president who will hit the ground running instead of a president who is running the country into the ground.
We're thankful that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow are demonstrating every night how strong and intelligent progressive voices can be successful on TV.
We're thankful we live in a center-left America rather than "Hannity's America."
We're thankful John McCain has more time to spend in the houses he owns...even if he can't remember them all.
We're thankful Sarah Palin has more time to watch over Russia and warn us in case Vladimir Putin ever "rears his head."
We're thankful that we're moving closer towards a complete withdrawal from Iraq.
We're thankful for the thousands of protesters who took to the streets across America to push for marriage equality.
We're not thankful for neo-McCarthys, neo-Hoovers, neo-Nazis, and neocons.
We're thankful for Tina Fey.
We're thankful to be liberal hacks.
We're not thankful for hack operatives burrowing into career civil service jobs.
We're more thankful for Vice President Joe Biden and "Morning Joe" than Joe Lieberman and "Joe the Plumber."
We're thankful that our troops will be able to get the education they so richly deserve.
We're thankful for the "Mustache of Justice," "Rahmbo," "Axe," and "Skippy."
We're thankful that reality still has a liberal bias.
We're thankful that there are only 55 days left until the end of the George W. Bush presidency.
We're thankful for the progressive mandate to govern.
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. Remember that if you're short on cash this holiday season, a gift subscription to the Progress Report is free.
The research team that brings you The Progress Report and needs fall interns! Click here for more information.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Break the Bail-out
A left-right coalition is developing in Congress to block further funds for the bailout. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are both calling for no more bailout funds for the Department of the Treasury. Under the bailout law Congress is required to approve the second $350 billion in bailout funds. Thus far, Treasury has spent $290 of the initial $350 billion.
The performance of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve has been unacceptable and does not inspire confidence. They have hidden key information from the taxpayer and Congress and they have been unsure of what strategy will work to help the economy.
Stopping the bailout of Wall Street gives Congress time to decide whether the money should be sent, and if so, how?
Another alternative has been put forward by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Robert Byrd (D-WV), an economic stimulus plan that costs about one-third of what is remaining on the initial bailout, $100 billion. It deals with unemployment insurance, disaster relief, infrastructure, aid to states, aid to the auto industry and other parts of the economy.
Below is a letter that we urge you to send to your elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate. You can send the letter in a few seconds by clicking here.
In addition, please pledge to Break the Bailout by visiting -- we need to show Congress that we will hold them accountable. And, forward this email to everyone you know. There is strength in numbers.
Dear (senator/congressman)
I am writing you to urge you to refuse any request for additional funds for the bailout of Wall Street and Big Finance and to make your opposition publicly clear now.
Under the TARP legislation the Congress can stop additional payments to the Treasury for the bailout. The actions by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve indicate that they do not deserve more tax payer dollars.
The Congress was pushed to rush to judgment in a panic created by Secretary Paulsen and Chairman Bernanke. It is now seems that the panic was exaggerated. Indeed, Secretary Paulsen sought immediate authority to buy toxic assets from banks. The implication was that this was going to be to buy bad real estate mortgages.
But, last week, Secretary Paulsen changed course and said that was no longer an effective strategy and decided instead to inject taxpayer cash into the banking system by purchasing equity in companies.
Unfortunately, his purchases did not include the type of representation that a major investor would expect, e.g. a seat on the board, and the return rate was half of what Warren Buffet will be getting for similar purchases.
On top of the confusion by Secretary Paulsen and poor negotiating on behalf of the American taxpayer, the process has lacked transparency. The Department of Treasury actually blacked out key information in the contracts of people and firms they hired to work on the bailout.
Making matters worse, the Federal Reserve has not told the taxpayers what corporations have received $2 trillion in investments nor what security they received for the funds. This lack of transparency demonstrates that these organizations should not be trusted with taxpayer dollars.
Please let it be known that you oppose any further funds for the bailout. Breaking the bailout will provide an opportunity to consider whether money should be spent and if so how do so more effectively.
If members of the House and Senate speak out on this topic a vote may not even be necessary as Secretary Paulsen and President Bush will realize that they should not ask for additional funds.
Make it clear now that elected officials oppose further bailout funds for Wall Street and big finance.
[Your name]
Please take action today by clicking here. We can stop this bailout and get our economy on track.
And, please pledge to Break the Bailout at We have a lot of work to do to harness the anger of Americans into an effective force to put in place the economy we want for the 21st Century.
Thank you.
Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Campaign for Fresh Air & Clean Politics
The performance of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve has been unacceptable and does not inspire confidence. They have hidden key information from the taxpayer and Congress and they have been unsure of what strategy will work to help the economy.
Stopping the bailout of Wall Street gives Congress time to decide whether the money should be sent, and if so, how?
Another alternative has been put forward by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Robert Byrd (D-WV), an economic stimulus plan that costs about one-third of what is remaining on the initial bailout, $100 billion. It deals with unemployment insurance, disaster relief, infrastructure, aid to states, aid to the auto industry and other parts of the economy.
Below is a letter that we urge you to send to your elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate. You can send the letter in a few seconds by clicking here.
In addition, please pledge to Break the Bailout by visiting -- we need to show Congress that we will hold them accountable. And, forward this email to everyone you know. There is strength in numbers.
Dear (senator/congressman)
I am writing you to urge you to refuse any request for additional funds for the bailout of Wall Street and Big Finance and to make your opposition publicly clear now.
Under the TARP legislation the Congress can stop additional payments to the Treasury for the bailout. The actions by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve indicate that they do not deserve more tax payer dollars.
The Congress was pushed to rush to judgment in a panic created by Secretary Paulsen and Chairman Bernanke. It is now seems that the panic was exaggerated. Indeed, Secretary Paulsen sought immediate authority to buy toxic assets from banks. The implication was that this was going to be to buy bad real estate mortgages.
But, last week, Secretary Paulsen changed course and said that was no longer an effective strategy and decided instead to inject taxpayer cash into the banking system by purchasing equity in companies.
Unfortunately, his purchases did not include the type of representation that a major investor would expect, e.g. a seat on the board, and the return rate was half of what Warren Buffet will be getting for similar purchases.
On top of the confusion by Secretary Paulsen and poor negotiating on behalf of the American taxpayer, the process has lacked transparency. The Department of Treasury actually blacked out key information in the contracts of people and firms they hired to work on the bailout.
Making matters worse, the Federal Reserve has not told the taxpayers what corporations have received $2 trillion in investments nor what security they received for the funds. This lack of transparency demonstrates that these organizations should not be trusted with taxpayer dollars.
Please let it be known that you oppose any further funds for the bailout. Breaking the bailout will provide an opportunity to consider whether money should be spent and if so how do so more effectively.
If members of the House and Senate speak out on this topic a vote may not even be necessary as Secretary Paulsen and President Bush will realize that they should not ask for additional funds.
Make it clear now that elected officials oppose further bailout funds for Wall Street and big finance.
[Your name]
Please take action today by clicking here. We can stop this bailout and get our economy on track.
And, please pledge to Break the Bailout at We have a lot of work to do to harness the anger of Americans into an effective force to put in place the economy we want for the 21st Century.
Thank you.
Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Campaign for Fresh Air & Clean Politics
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Bloody Bitch is at it again
This week, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin 'The Great white huntress' Board of Game wants to target more wolf mothers and pups for slaughter.
"She's such an avid sportsman! Shooting defenseless animials from airplanes is her idea of sport hunting."
But with one caring act, you can give a gift that will help stop this horrible killing and support on-the-ground work to save the lives of wolves in Alaska and across America:
Adopt a wolf today from our brand-new Wildlife Adoption Center and help support wolf-saving work in Alaska and Greater Yellowstone.
Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program has already claimed the lives of more than 800wolves --
Ignoring the public outcry from the killings, members of the state’s Board of Game -- many hand-picked by The "Bloody Bitch" Palin -- have decided to continue the killing of wolf pups and mothers by state officials.
It’s all part of the state’s brutal wolf-killing program, and we need your help this Holiday Season to stop it.
A wolf adoption makes a special holiday gift and will support our efforts to fight this brutal policy -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the Greater Yellowstone region and Northern Rockies.
Each tax-deductible wolf adoption from our newly redesigned Wildlife Adoption Center comes with a plush wolf toy, a personalized Certificate of Adoption, a handsome 5” x 7” color wolf photograph and a fact sheet full of fascinating information about wolves.
This winter will be deadly for Alaska’s wolves. But your gift adoption for a loved one -- or yourself -- can make a world of difference for these wolves and other wildlife. Please make a caring wolf adoption today.
For the wild ones,
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. Please make a wolf gift adoption at or call 1-800-385-9712. For other ways to help support our on-the-ground efforts to save wolves, visit our new Wolf-Saving Gifts and Gifts & Gear shops.
"She's such an avid sportsman! Shooting defenseless animials from airplanes is her idea of sport hunting."
But with one caring act, you can give a gift that will help stop this horrible killing and support on-the-ground work to save the lives of wolves in Alaska and across America:
Adopt a wolf today from our brand-new Wildlife Adoption Center and help support wolf-saving work in Alaska and Greater Yellowstone.
Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program has already claimed the lives of more than 800wolves --
with another season of slaughter about to begin. In June, Palin's state officials drew widespread condemnation for slaughtering 14 wolf pups --each just weeks old -- with a shot to the head.
Ignoring the public outcry from the killings, members of the state’s Board of Game -- many hand-picked by The "Bloody Bitch" Palin -- have decided to continue the killing of wolf pups and mothers by state officials.
It’s all part of the state’s brutal wolf-killing program, and we need your help this Holiday Season to stop it.
A wolf adoption makes a special holiday gift and will support our efforts to fight this brutal policy -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the Greater Yellowstone region and Northern Rockies.
Each tax-deductible wolf adoption from our newly redesigned Wildlife Adoption Center comes with a plush wolf toy, a personalized Certificate of Adoption, a handsome 5” x 7” color wolf photograph and a fact sheet full of fascinating information about wolves.
This winter will be deadly for Alaska’s wolves. But your gift adoption for a loved one -- or yourself -- can make a world of difference for these wolves and other wildlife. Please make a caring wolf adoption today.
For the wild ones,
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. Please make a wolf gift adoption at or call 1-800-385-9712. For other ways to help support our on-the-ground efforts to save wolves, visit our new Wolf-Saving Gifts and Gifts & Gear shops.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Obama Must Restore the Constitution
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Show the World that bush no longer controls the EPA
One of the first, defining decisions facing President-elect Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is whether to heed the Supreme Court and regulate global warming pollution under the Clean Air Act.
We have an opportunity right now to shape that decision.
Send an email to the EPA today supporting strong action under existing law to protect human health by reducing global warming pollution.
More Background
EDF is pushing hard for comprehensive climate legislation as an essential step in slowing, stopping and reversing the catastrophic threats of run-away global warming.
Crafted properly, such legislation would cap and reduce America's global warming emissions and create economic incentives to spur green energy innovation that would grow the economy and create jobs.
Passing global warming legislation is critical, but there's another way to get action:
The EPA can use the tools it already has under the Clean Air Act to start reducing global warming pollution right now.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" under the Clean Air Act. Way back in April 2007, the Court told the EPA to get to work on regulating carbon dioxide.
But under pressure from the White House, the EPA has taken a go-slow approach.
After months of foot-dragging, the EPA is now asking for public comments. That's where you come in.
Send an email today: Urge the EPA to use existing law to reduce America's global warming pollution.
The public comment deadline is November 28, 2008, so please act now.
Opponents of global warming action are flooding the EPA with comments opposing action. We can't let them get the upper hand.
The EPA needs to hear from you that it should take strong action under existing law to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Send an email today to make sure the EPA hears from us.
Thanks for support and activism. It makes a huge difference.
Environmental Defense Fund Action Network
We have an opportunity right now to shape that decision.
Send an email to the EPA today supporting strong action under existing law to protect human health by reducing global warming pollution.
More Background
EDF is pushing hard for comprehensive climate legislation as an essential step in slowing, stopping and reversing the catastrophic threats of run-away global warming.
Crafted properly, such legislation would cap and reduce America's global warming emissions and create economic incentives to spur green energy innovation that would grow the economy and create jobs.
Passing global warming legislation is critical, but there's another way to get action:
The EPA can use the tools it already has under the Clean Air Act to start reducing global warming pollution right now.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" under the Clean Air Act. Way back in April 2007, the Court told the EPA to get to work on regulating carbon dioxide.
But under pressure from the White House, the EPA has taken a go-slow approach.
After months of foot-dragging, the EPA is now asking for public comments. That's where you come in.
Send an email today: Urge the EPA to use existing law to reduce America's global warming pollution.
The public comment deadline is November 28, 2008, so please act now.
Opponents of global warming action are flooding the EPA with comments opposing action. We can't let them get the upper hand.
The EPA needs to hear from you that it should take strong action under existing law to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Send an email today to make sure the EPA hears from us.
Thanks for support and activism. It makes a huge difference.
Environmental Defense Fund Action Network
Monday, November 10, 2008
Impeach Bush Before He Pardons Himself
According to Seymour Hersh there is a conga line of insiders waiting
until January 20th to spill the beans on the gross criminality of the
Bush/Cheney administration. Waiting . . . because if they did it now
the two of them would be tarred and feathered on the way out the
But we the people do not have to wait. We can and must demand the
immediate impeachment of both Bush and Cheney for what is already
known. At the very least the defiance of congressional subpoenas at
the behest of the White House is an open and shut case for
accountability now.
Impeach Now Action Page:
Because as his final constitutional insult, his final spit in the
face to the American people and all rule of law, it is transparently
obvious that Bush is planning the most wholesale and wrongful pardon
of the worst political criminals in American history, his whole
criminal gang, INCLUDING himself.
And don't think that is not their precise plan. Please, what power
has Bush NOT abused? What heinous, self-serving, shameless and
dishonest act has he ever shied away from, when he was torturing and
eavesdropping and lying us into wars of corporate aggression. Does
anyone doubt that is what he is planning on doing?
And when you submit this action page, you will have one last chance
to get one of the "Impeach Both!!!" caps, which after January 20th
will no longer be available from us for love or for money.
Impeach Now Action Page:
Will Congress now act? That is not the yardstick of the worth of our
activism. We speak out because we must speak out, whether we are
heeded or not. Let history record that we spoke out until the last
minute to the eternal shame of those who did not. Because when enough
of us speak out at once, the worst thing that can possibly happen is
that we are building the progressive base for the REAL change of the
So Bush most certainly is planning on pardoning himself. And all the
right wing lock down ideologues in the corporate controlled media
will call it "healing". Let's all make nice with war criminals? Shall
we all make nice with the gang rape of our economy, our environment
and our Constitution? We think not.
And one more thing. You know that come January 20th the right wing
will start calling for the impeachment of our new president, over a
endless litany of the most ridiculous of trivial trifles. In fact it
has already started even though he has not even taken office. If they
are so hot on impeaching someone, let them speak out now, when it
truly is called for, or shut the hell up in 73 days.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
until January 20th to spill the beans on the gross criminality of the
Bush/Cheney administration. Waiting . . . because if they did it now
the two of them would be tarred and feathered on the way out the
But we the people do not have to wait. We can and must demand the
immediate impeachment of both Bush and Cheney for what is already
known. At the very least the defiance of congressional subpoenas at
the behest of the White House is an open and shut case for
accountability now.
Impeach Now Action Page:
Because as his final constitutional insult, his final spit in the
face to the American people and all rule of law, it is transparently
obvious that Bush is planning the most wholesale and wrongful pardon
of the worst political criminals in American history, his whole
criminal gang, INCLUDING himself.
And don't think that is not their precise plan. Please, what power
has Bush NOT abused? What heinous, self-serving, shameless and
dishonest act has he ever shied away from, when he was torturing and
eavesdropping and lying us into wars of corporate aggression. Does
anyone doubt that is what he is planning on doing?
And when you submit this action page, you will have one last chance
to get one of the "Impeach Both!!!" caps, which after January 20th
will no longer be available from us for love or for money.
Impeach Now Action Page:
Will Congress now act? That is not the yardstick of the worth of our
activism. We speak out because we must speak out, whether we are
heeded or not. Let history record that we spoke out until the last
minute to the eternal shame of those who did not. Because when enough
of us speak out at once, the worst thing that can possibly happen is
that we are building the progressive base for the REAL change of the
So Bush most certainly is planning on pardoning himself. And all the
right wing lock down ideologues in the corporate controlled media
will call it "healing". Let's all make nice with war criminals? Shall
we all make nice with the gang rape of our economy, our environment
and our Constitution? We think not.
And one more thing. You know that come January 20th the right wing
will start calling for the impeachment of our new president, over a
endless litany of the most ridiculous of trivial trifles. In fact it
has already started even though he has not even taken office. If they
are so hot on impeaching someone, let them speak out now, when it
truly is called for, or shut the hell up in 73 days.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well America you showed you were smarter than a box of Rocks!
You didn't select another four years of complete insanity!
However, this is...
How the election is covering up a most important issue.
Every politician is hoping that this issue will be forgotten in the romance of newly elected representatives.
IMPEACHMENT! There are no statute of limitations on impeachment!
IF ever a president, and vice president (no capitals on purpose) needed, and deserved impeaching, the sitting elected officials deserve it the most.
Even after they have been voted out, and removed from office by the next elected batch, they can be impeached for their crimes.
What will that solve you ask?
For starters, it will send a message to every aspiring politician that "the people" will not tolerate criminal behaviour in office..
That crimes will not go unpunished...
That we will not provide a golden parachute retirement to criminals for the rest of their lives.
That we will not provide unlimited medical, and dental treatment to criminals for the rest of their lives.
That we will not provide around the clock protection to the families of criminals for the rest of their lives.
And most important: we will not tolerate having anyone trash our Constitution, and get away with it...
In the last eight years, we have had more Congressmen, and Senators convicted for criminal behaviour than under any other administration in four decades; and that includes the nixon administration . All because those same convicted Congressmen, and Senators saw the president, and vice president committing major crimes, and going unpunished, and believed they too could get away with their crimes.
Who really is the Government in this country? The hired (by election) politicians, or the people who hired (elected) them? That is the real issue here, and one that had better be decided now!
If this election (hiring process) goes as expected, we will have a whole new batch of office holders that will either follow the direction of those that hired them; or will if not directed play by their own rules.
We'd better decide today if we are sheep, or sheep herders!
DON'T ALLOW THE GUILTY TO ESCAPE, IMPEACH THEM! Then put them on trial for their crimes against us.
However, this is...
How the election is covering up a most important issue.
Every politician is hoping that this issue will be forgotten in the romance of newly elected representatives.
IMPEACHMENT! There are no statute of limitations on impeachment!
IF ever a president, and vice president (no capitals on purpose) needed, and deserved impeaching, the sitting elected officials deserve it the most.
Even after they have been voted out, and removed from office by the next elected batch, they can be impeached for their crimes.
What will that solve you ask?
For starters, it will send a message to every aspiring politician that "the people" will not tolerate criminal behaviour in office..
That crimes will not go unpunished...
That we will not provide a golden parachute retirement to criminals for the rest of their lives.
That we will not provide unlimited medical, and dental treatment to criminals for the rest of their lives.
That we will not provide around the clock protection to the families of criminals for the rest of their lives.
And most important: we will not tolerate having anyone trash our Constitution, and get away with it...
In the last eight years, we have had more Congressmen, and Senators convicted for criminal behaviour than under any other administration in four decades; and that includes the nixon administration . All because those same convicted Congressmen, and Senators saw the president, and vice president committing major crimes, and going unpunished, and believed they too could get away with their crimes.
Who really is the Government in this country? The hired (by election) politicians, or the people who hired (elected) them? That is the real issue here, and one that had better be decided now!
If this election (hiring process) goes as expected, we will have a whole new batch of office holders that will either follow the direction of those that hired them; or will if not directed play by their own rules.
We'd better decide today if we are sheep, or sheep herders!
DON'T ALLOW THE GUILTY TO ESCAPE, IMPEACH THEM! Then put them on trial for their crimes against us.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Are Americans Masochistic, and Dumb as a box of rocks?
By 7Pm Pacific time, we'll know for certain!
We'll know if we are going to be forced to endure 4 more years of Bushonomics, or something different.
Frankly I don't think the American public is smart enough to bail them selves out of the mess the last 8 years have put us in.
After all, We allowed the bush dictatorship to shape our Country for an additional 4 years even after seeing what a mess he had made in his first four didn't we?
Besides, America has had her 200 years of Glory; and history has shown time and again that Nations are only able to maintain greatness for 200 years before they become so jaded, and smug that they fall into decay.
In eight years we have gone from a Nation of leadership in the world, to being a laughing stock.
A lender to other nations; to one of debtor.
A leader in diplomacy to a National war machine.
All because we allowed an insane despot to steal the reigns of leadership, and keep them for eight years.
And tonight by 7 PM Pacific time, we'll know if our Masochistic streak has continued, and we've by our stupidity, and apathy allowed another four years of the same political agenda to continue driving our once great Country into it's grave.
Through our apathy, we have not yet forced our Congress, and Senate to begin IMPEACHMENT of this insane despot; even though there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON IMPEACHMENT!
As a Nation, it is our duty to uphold our Constitution even if our elected leaders will not.
IMPEACHMENT is clearly called for. It is demanded by the CONSTITUTION!
If as a Nation, we do not stand up and demand IMPEACHMENT of GW Bush, and his entire criminal cartel then we will be supporting them until they drop over from natural causes.
What have they done to deserve our continued support for the next 20 or more years?
Well gee whiz, they got us into an illegal war didn't they?
They deregulated the banking industry and drove the country to the brink of bankruptcy didn't they?
They've supported the insurance, and pharmaceutical companies to the point that only they can get medical insurance haven't they?
Oh yeah, they've supported the oil industries to the point that we can't afford to heat our houses this winter too!
Those few things must be enough to earn our support in their retirement shouldn't they?
If by any chance; this Country came to it's senses, and voted Democratic across the board, then it's up to us; WE THE PEOPLE to demand IMPEACHMENT NOW!
Politicians must be shown that THE PEOPLE will not put up with thieves, lies, and despots any longer, and that we will be watching what they are doing, and will take the necessary steps to police our politicians...
If America continued it's masochistic tendencies, and voted in another Republican and his Wolf killing partner, then GOD HELP US; BECAUSE WE'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO HELP OURSELVES, AND WE'RE DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS!
We'll know if we are going to be forced to endure 4 more years of Bushonomics, or something different.
Frankly I don't think the American public is smart enough to bail them selves out of the mess the last 8 years have put us in.
After all, We allowed the bush dictatorship to shape our Country for an additional 4 years even after seeing what a mess he had made in his first four didn't we?
Besides, America has had her 200 years of Glory; and history has shown time and again that Nations are only able to maintain greatness for 200 years before they become so jaded, and smug that they fall into decay.
In eight years we have gone from a Nation of leadership in the world, to being a laughing stock.
A lender to other nations; to one of debtor.
A leader in diplomacy to a National war machine.
All because we allowed an insane despot to steal the reigns of leadership, and keep them for eight years.
And tonight by 7 PM Pacific time, we'll know if our Masochistic streak has continued, and we've by our stupidity, and apathy allowed another four years of the same political agenda to continue driving our once great Country into it's grave.
Through our apathy, we have not yet forced our Congress, and Senate to begin IMPEACHMENT of this insane despot; even though there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON IMPEACHMENT!
As a Nation, it is our duty to uphold our Constitution even if our elected leaders will not.
IMPEACHMENT is clearly called for. It is demanded by the CONSTITUTION!
If as a Nation, we do not stand up and demand IMPEACHMENT of GW Bush, and his entire criminal cartel then we will be supporting them until they drop over from natural causes.
What have they done to deserve our continued support for the next 20 or more years?
Well gee whiz, they got us into an illegal war didn't they?
They deregulated the banking industry and drove the country to the brink of bankruptcy didn't they?
They've supported the insurance, and pharmaceutical companies to the point that only they can get medical insurance haven't they?
Oh yeah, they've supported the oil industries to the point that we can't afford to heat our houses this winter too!
Those few things must be enough to earn our support in their retirement shouldn't they?
If by any chance; this Country came to it's senses, and voted Democratic across the board, then it's up to us; WE THE PEOPLE to demand IMPEACHMENT NOW!
Politicians must be shown that THE PEOPLE will not put up with thieves, lies, and despots any longer, and that we will be watching what they are doing, and will take the necessary steps to police our politicians...
If America continued it's masochistic tendencies, and voted in another Republican and his Wolf killing partner, then GOD HELP US; BECAUSE WE'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO HELP OURSELVES, AND WE'RE DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS!
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